3-Vael ✧

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Something had cracked slightly inside me.

I don't know what I expected, but certainly not this.

Part of me thought she was going to apologize. The other, was furious that she didn't.
Her words keep coming back into my head.
Who the hell does she think she is!?

I know. I didn't act right, but it's been five years. Five. Years.

She should have gotten over it. A reasonable person would have done that.

Apparently she is unreasonable.
And yet, I feel like a fool as I feel pure rage filling my veins.

I feel empty.

Part of me wants to forgive her. The other, wants to be rude.

I'm not going to fill emptiness with love again.

If she wants the battle, I'll give her the war.

* * *

It is almost sunset when I go down to the Shadow Court headquarters.

Why the hell would mom kick me out of the fricking war room?! Like, am I not worthy to know what is happening in MY lands?
This stupid wedding proposal can't be te only reason.

I enter the headquarters and meet the Bomb there.

<<Hello Lilith>> I greet her, pretending to be distracted.
<<Hello Vael>> she answers me with a smile, in a tone that waits for me to ask her a question.
She obviously already knows.

<<So, you know...What did they say at the meeting when we left?>> I ask, trying to sound indifferent. "When I got kicked OUT" I was about to say, in a resentful tone.

<<Good technique, prince, unfortunately you're talking to a spy>> she says laughing <<top secret, Vael, I can't tell you anything>> she says, then takes her spy uniform and stuffs it into a leather bag.
I see the sparkle of the silver badge of the Court of Shadows before she zippers it up.

An internal padlock.
What is she hiding?
My God, why the hell do they have so much secrets I can't be informed about?! They know I want to become a spy, but what if they won't even tell me about Elfhame fucking problems?!

<<What do you need that for?>> I ask naively, approaching the bag slowly.

<<If you really want to be a spy, you should start being more discreet. What would you do in front of a murder? Would you ask the murderer to show himself and then give him a kiss and compliment him on his honesty?>> She chuckles, as she heads for the door.
<<See you tonight!>> She shouts before the door closes.

Tonight. Fucking tonight.
I wait until I hear no more footsteps in the hallway, then try to unzip the bag in vain.
Damn it.

I have too many thoughts in my mind right now.

I decide to go to the next room, filled with enchanted dummies for training.

I practice with the sword until I feel the muscles burning and the sweat sticking to my shirt.

After one more hour, I hurry to my room.
In there, I found Tatterfell, the the faithful servant who worked for my grandfather Madoc, and is now in the High Court.
She is impatient, and starts handing me clothes and jewelry.
I wear a black suit with gold embroidery on the collar and sleeves.
I pull back the dark curls and put rings on my fingers.
On my pointed ears I put ruby earrings, and on my neck a golden snake necklace with two shiny stones for eyes.

When night falls, the party begins.


The hall as always is full. Despite this, we have limited the invitation to members of the High Court and members of the Termite Court only. We do not know whether the guests include a spy from the Undersea.

𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖- The Cruel Prince Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu