the iris of the ego.

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Oh, hello there. Welcome back to the ego spectrum. We've been away a short while. I hope you've kept yourself in the meta space, the spectrum. We've covered self awareness of one's achievements. Self awareness of one's capabilities beyond their achievements, we've covered the deliberation of validating one's achievements. There is but one dimension left. And that is the iris of the ego.

What this is, is the very center of the ego. The eye of the ego. Or descriptively, it is the utmost conceited part of oneself. the raw heart of the ego is the part of you that will do what others call exaggerating your worth. But to understand that everything is a narrative, everything is a construct, nothing is objectively right, everything is subject to perception, is to give yourself free roam of confidence.

The more you believe, the more you can achieve. Something I covered in a book all by itself. Scientifically backed up, psychological studies support the claim. And so the more you talk yourself up, the more capable you will become. And why not give it a try? If talking down to yourself makes you worse, and the last thing you want to do is let yourself or others down, isn't it worth not only believing in yourself, but believing in yourself so much that it boosts your potential by a large margin?

Ask yourself, are you allowed to believe everything someone tells you? Because we often fully, completely believe an insult that we are given. And most times, no one is afraid to echo an insult directed towards themself. But what if you fully and completely believed every compliment you were given today?

Now, now. It becomes a different ball game, doesn't it? Why is that? I'll tell you what it is. We are just as generous to compliment others, as we are to insult ourselves. But we are never as generous to ourselves as we are to others. Why? Because the iris of the ego is shunned, looked down upon, frowned upon. Yet it's because of this, most of will never reach out full potential.

We can never reach out full potential if we aren't allowed to experience 100% of a good thing such as a compliment or expectation. If someone told you today that you're amazing, believe it without a single doubt. If your boyfriend or your girlfriend told you today, that you're perfect, I guess that means you're literally fucking perfect, aren't you?

Because if, out of love or kindness, someone speaks highly of you in any way, shape or form, you best not and you bet not waste their compliment because you were too modest to use someone else's energy to multiply the good that they not only saw in you, but the good that fit their vision of what is better in the world to them.

I'm going to be real and raw before I end this. I know there's got to be someone out here that's like me. You hate yourself because the person you trusted most, hurt you the most. And I'm sorry. But that person didn't decide your worth. If you're like me, your kindness in the public eye has brought you rewards locally. And that means that someone saw your heart so much, it was worth a reward. And that means so much.

I have to, I must think about this everyday. I get caught up in what bad things have been said to me. But if I succumb to that, I am literally robbing another person of a great value. And that person may sacrifice great things to prove how much they value you. If they've done that, wasting their sacrifice is a dishonor to them. That is why the lesson here is to allow love, affection, compliments and kindness to go straight to your head.

Gosh, I had a friend for a long time. Someone who may never speak to me again because of how I succumbed to the life I was living with my abusive ex. But in the past, whenever she complimented me, she always told me she wants it to go straight to my head. Looking back, having an ego is the reason why most of my friends loved and love me. That's why I lost friends during the past three years. Because my relationship damaged my self worth.

I want to conclude my lesson. But I need to conclude it strongly. So read this next part with the intent to learn.

Modesty is weakness. Watering yourself down, appearing as a lesser version of yourself just to fit in the frames of others, is a weakness.. unapologetic flashiness is a strength. It's not about the attention. It's about the hype. And if somebody hyped you up today, you are the hype. So get hype about your life today.

So if you're reading this and nobody hyped you up today, let me tell you, you're unique, you're deserving, you're deserving of better. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to treat yourself well, you deserve to be understood, accepted and treated kindly. If you made mistakes today, it's okay because we all make mistakes.

But more than that, you want to know what else? You are outstanding, brilliant and fabulous and you deserve to not only repeat it to yourself but tell someone else about how awesome you are. Because being high on yourself never hurt anyone because it never required you to put others down.

Hype yourself up, believe the hype, hype others up, rejoice. This is the spectrum of the ego. Congratulations. You made it to the end.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 22 ⏰

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