Writing a Fight Scene

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Fight scenes are my favorite scenes to write! They add a certain rhythm to the book that either makes or breaks the book for me.

Hand-to-hand combat takes some practice. I'll admit I'm not the best at it. With hand-to-hand combat, I write it as fast as possible. Fist fights are fast. The characters don't really have time to think while fighting. They will mostly rely on muscle memory. Smaller characters will use speed and agility to overcome their opponent, while larger characters will tend to throw their weight around.

Arguments are supposed to get heated. Something that one or more characters have different opinions on. When writing two or more characters that are arguing, I think from both sides of the argument. How can they both be right? This could lead to a lesson that needs to be learned or a break between characters.

Self-conflicting arguments are a little bit harder to write. This is when the character is having conflict with themselves. This takes a lot of practice and understanding of character development, so don't feel bad if you don't get it right away. With self-conflict, you have to write two or more directions for the character to want to go in. It does have to be within reason and make sense. "He wanted to get an apple for lunch but also wanted to sleep after lunch." That's just an awkward conflict that doesn't really don't go hand in hand.

"She didn't know whether the red apple or the green apple was sweeter." This one is better and will be easier to write about since they stay in the same genre. 

Sword or weapon fighting is my favorite fight scene! Read other's writing to help understand how to use correct words like jabbing and swiping. You don't have to research every sword or weapon fighting type. Just ones that catch your attention or fit the scene. Like fist fighting, your characters will rely heavily on muscle memory to wield their weapons. Thinking too much will slow down their movements.

(Get ready for self-plug) I have several fight scenes in my books, so feel free to check them out.

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