Part I | Origin

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It was a cloudy but warm spring day. I was home schooled ever since I could remember. I was four when my father switched from working in an office to teaching me...

I woke up and pushed myself up, sitting with my legs dangling off the edge of my bed. Yawning, I rubbed my eyes, waking up. I walked into the kitchen, and my father noticed me. "Today you get no food. You will starve. Got it?" He demanded. "Y-yes, Dad." I reply. He slams his fist on the counter, "What!?" He yells. My eyes widen, and I shut them tight, "I-i mean, yes, s-sir..." My head is faced towards the ground. "Go get me a beer from the garage, you freak of a son." I do as he says and go to the garage. I open the door and see my dogs dead body. Tears stream down my face as I sob over his body. My dad is standing behind me.. I can hear his laugh. He drags me and tosses me in the shed, "I have rules in this household, 1. If you're too loud, you get hit, 2. If you do something bad or break something, you skip a meal, 3. You do everything I say no matter the order, 4. You call me sir, not 'Father' or 'dad' or anything else. Got it!" He shouted. I cried, nodding as a response. He shut the door, locking me in the dark shed. I hate the dark... I backed to a corner and put my arms around my knees, placing my head on top of my arms. I cried myself to sleep.

In the morning, I woke up seeing my mother in front of me, protecting me from my father's fury. I see my father about to hit her, so I run in front, getting a beer bottle to the head, almost knocking me out. I fall back, feeling blood pour down my face. My mother yells, "WHAT THE HELL!? HE'S YOUR SON!" My mom ends up carrying me inside and cleaning my wound. She sings to me, "One small leaf blowing in the wind, Into the fields of grass and sand, into the calm deep blue seas, Some leafs float, some leafs drown, but in the end all leaves will someday die, Although it's sad, it's part of life, Don't be scared, you'll be alright." I loved when she sang that. It's my favorite song. My father comes in, and my mother puts me in my room. I spend the day in my room with my sister, Hana. I hear a crash, so I go to check it out. I hear my parents fighting in their room, but instead of seeing what the noise was, I got distracted by a picture of my grandmother... so I picked it up to look at it closer. My sister appeared behind me, I spotted her from the corner of my eye and turned to look at her. "How about we become heroes! Just like grandma! A team! Brother and sister side by side! What do you say?" She held out her hand to me, and I took it. She smiles. "Just promise me even if I end up dying sooner than I want to, you'll be a hero!" I smile, "I promise!"


Now I'm standing in the very spot. My Quirk went out of control, killing every single one of them.

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