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I was sleeping peacefully when I heard a knock on the door.

"I'm up" I mumbled into my pillow. Then there was another knock, I groaned and walked to the door. I opened it and saw some oompa loompas outside with what looked like a note. It was from Wonka.

"My sweet Iris, I had to go out really early. I won't be able to joined you for breakfast but if you allow me, I would like to take you out for dinner. I will pick you up from work like always. Can't wait to see you. Yours truly, Willy" The note said. I smiled and thanked the little man, who just giggled and walked away.

Willy was really sweet. I was living in his factory, because he didn't want me to be alone. Every morning, I would be awoken by the ompa loompas.I would get dressed and joined Willy for breakfast. We will talk and he would take me to the dress shop, while he went to his store. The store was growing more and more and they were opening some more . Willy was turning into the richest man in town. But he was so humble, you wouldn't even guessed he was millionare. And everyday he will pick me up and we would go his home in the factory and have dinner. But today he would take me out to dinner.

I wore my uniform and grab my best dress and placed it on my bag. I went to the dinning room and had my breakfast. After breakfast I helped the ompa loompas clean. At first they wouldn't let me but now they got used to it. I would put some music and we will clean and sing. I said goobye to them and left the factory to go to the dress shop.

When I entered, I saw many costumers waiting in line, for the store to be opened. But it was opened, just that only one customer was there.

"What is going on?" I asked a co-worker as I entered.

"A princess is here and she closed the whole store to try on desses" She said. I looked and saw a beautiful delicate girl. She looked kind and so beautiful. She was wearing a blue dress that matched her blue eyes. Her light brown hair landed in her back without effort.

"Iris... can you help us get those shoes?" The manager said smiling, she never smiles.

"Of course" I said smiling and getting the shoes she wanted. I walked closer and heared her talk with who looked like her assistant.

"He is soooo handsome. I can't wait to see him and try on his famous chocolate. People say that his chocolate is the best. I'm even thinking on asking him to make me a chocolate just for me." the princess said looking at herself in the mirror.

For the first time, I hope he was talking about Slugworth, the other chocolatier.

"Ow!" The girl said. I then notice that I was putting the shoe on the wrong foot.

"I'm sorry!" I said.

"Stupid girl! Don't you see this feet are more expensive that your whole house?" She said. "Ugh! I don't know why I came to this stupid town!"

"To meet Willy Wonka?" The assistant said.

"Oh yeah... I'm going to ask him to go back to my country and open a store there. Maybe he can live there or something. Is his store open already?" The princess asked.

"Yes.. I believe so. Iris, used to work there. Is it open?" The manager asked.

"Yes... It should be open by now" I said. I had this really weird feeling in my stomach.

The girl smiled and asked for the most expensive and beautiful dress. She was planning on impressing the young, rich and famous chocolatier.

When they left, I felt anxious. What would happen if he sees her? Willy is so naive. He will get starstruck by the princess. He is too kind and will do whatever it takes to make someone happy. Even if she is a spoil brat. Will he like her?

When it was time for lunch break, I decided to go to the shop.

"You are not eating lunch with us?" My co-workers asked.

"Actually... I'm going to buy some candy. I'll be right back" I said grabbing my coat.

I went to the Candy shop and saw Noodle there.

"Noodle!" I said.

"Iris!!!" She came rushing. "We miss you here!" The girl said hugging me.

"I miss you too. The shop is kind of boring. How is everyone?" I asked looking around.

"If by everyone you mean Willy... He is alright. He told me you are staying in his home. That's nice."she said. "That way you both can keep each other company" she said winking at me. I laughed.

"You seem happier" she said smiling.

"Actually I am. Willy's happy mood is kinda of contagious. " I said smiling.

"Do you like him?" She asked.

"Nooo! He is a really good friend. And you know I don't date. You know what I think about relationships." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, Love is temporary and it goes away and it hurts, and it ruins friendships blah blah blah" Noodle said rolling her eyes.

"Iris?" I heard a voice. I spun around and saw Willy walking out of his office. "I thought I was going to see you after work" he said smiling.

"Oh yeah.. I decided to take my lunch break and come by. I came to buy a... chocolate bar?"I said grabbing the first chocolate bar I found.

"You don't eat chocolate.."he asked suspicious.

"Is for a friend" I said.

"Guy friend or girl friend? " He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Girl" I quickly said.

"Then it's my treat!" He said smiling again.

"Thanks... By any chance. Has a princess come by to buy chocolate?" I asked looking down at my shoes.

"Oh yeah... She came by. She invited me to dinner." Willy said clearing his throat. That made me lift my head.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yeah.. but I told her I had a date" He said leaning on the counter. I searched for Noodle but she was laughing from the other side of the store looking at us.

"Oh! Then dinner is still happening?" I asked blushing.

"Can't wait..." He winked at me.

"I have to go. Lunch break is over" I said walking towards Noodle and hugging her.

"Just friends, right?" She whispered while she hugged me.

"Bye Noodle!" I said and walked out the door.

I was walking outside the store when I heard steps running behind me and grabbing my hand. Willy spun me around making me face him.

"You forgot your chocolate" he said.

"Thank you" I said. He got closer and smiled at me.

"I like it when you get jealous" he whispered and kissed my cheek, making me blush again!

"Whatever Wonka.. see you later. Don't be late!" I said and walked away smiling.


THE MAGIC OF CANDY: WILLY WONKA 2023Where stories live. Discover now