Chapter 1. Aftermath

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|| if i get anything wrong for the start of the death scene please forgive me- i haven't watched it in ages- remember these are head canons, and this is a AU! Enjoy! ||

Hoopers hands shook as Cory's body fell the the floor. "CORY!" Ruby had called out as she rushed over to his side, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. What has hooper done?..

He watched helplessly as his eye changed from green, to a gray colour as he passed away. He was the one who had pulled the trigger. He had killed his best friend.

"H-he's gone.." Ruby whispered as she slummed back. They had lost him. At what cost? They had succeeded in saving the world, yet Cory was dead. They had already lost him for five years, and now the last memory they had of him was as the scarlet prince.

He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as she cried. Cory was their friend. He was equally, if anything more upset. But he was a trained soldier for the SCP foundation. He knew how to mourn in silence.

He let a stray tear roll down his cheek. They had all been through so much together, him and Cory especially. They had survived one of the biggest containment breaches in history together.

"We.. have to go, report back with the foundation." Hooper said, successfully masking his sorrow. "We cant just leave his body here!." Ruby protested. "Well this isn't just Cory's body ruby. We gotta remember he's a SCP. He almost ended the world. What happens with his body is up to the foundation." He sighed. He had to be patient with her.

She nodded shakily as they stood up. Hooper was right. He was a SCP. He did almost end the world. The walk back to the city to meet with the others was deathly silent. Neither dared to speak. Not after the loss of their friend.


It had been a stressful week. The foundation rushing to administer  amnesia to the globe. Now that it was over, they planned on becoming a secret again. They had to re-contain many loose scp's, fix up foundation sights, ect.

The serpents hand didn't change much, I mean, of course they had to pick up the pieces of their group after the catastrophe, but it didn't change much. Of course anyone left in the serpents hand that knew Cory were upset about his passing, and a small garden was planted in his memory at one of the bases.

The global occult coalition, besides rebuilding anything and doing casualty checks, celebrated the death of such a powerful scp. I mean, what group dedicated to destroying all scp kind wouldn't celebrate such a thing?

Its not unusual for a Demi-god's body to simply disintegrate or disappear after death, so, it wasn't much of a shock to bot be able to find his body, though they did press into it a little. They didn't find any evidence about someone taking his body.

(Y'all i can not spell names for the life of me 🙏)

Triana was of course shocked and deeply saddened by the news of Cory's death. They all used to be one team, and now, he was gone.

Dr paitence, Lara, and now Cory. It felt like her whole past was falling apart. She sighed as she stared at the computer screen. She had been promoted to a site director a while back, and was now the site director at her old site.

Her first order of business was to tty and recover his body, but whoever she sent would always get dizzy or lost, so they assumed his body had simply disintegrated.

She couldn't shake the dreadful feeling in her stomach. Something felt wrong.


|| 586 words! woohoo! Anyway if anyone wants to see something in this i might put it in the story somehow 🤷 ||

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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