Chapter 6: Cool kids

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-"Eh... well, not really."—Mikey said—"I was assigned a project for the science fair, and I'm paired up with Luke, which of course means I'll do all the work."

-"Is Luke a slacker? He doesn't strike me that way."—Alexis commented—"If anything he seems the type to step into things."

-"Oh, he is! And he usually screws up."—Mikey said—"He's my best friend and all but when it comes to work... he's not the best."

-"And... how about you, Alexis?"—Grace asked—"If Mikey got assigned that project you surely did as well? Who are you pairing up with?"

-"Oh..."—Alexis stalled for a second—"Well, Mr. Cole has paired me up with this kid who also goes to my English class."

-"Really? What's his name? Maybe I know him."—Mikey said.

-"His name? Oh, it's... Moran, I think?"

-"Moran? As in Trevor?"—Mikey asked.

Connor noticed a slight blush on Alexis' cheeks.

-"Yeah, yeah... that's him..."—she said, smiling towards herself.

-"Oh, Moran you say? I think I know who he is! Yeah his brother Blake works at the paper with me! He's an intern there."—Grace said, then turning to Mikey—"You know him, don't you?"

-"Oh, yeah, he's cool."—Mikey said—"Yeah I don't really hang out with him much but we're pals. I think he does theatre after classes?"

-"He-He does!?"—Alexis asked, with a bit of shock that Connor noticed right away.

-"Hmm... yeah I believe so. He is in Mr. Dawson's Drama club. Why?"

-"N-nothing... it's just that I didn't know..."

Alexis went from being extremely talkative to her usually reserved self, and Connor knew immediately something had come up regarding this Trevor kid. He didn't comment on it, however. There would be a better time for that eventually.

-"Eh, Grace?"—Mikey said—"I was wondering if I could go out later?"

-"Tonight?"—Grace replied with wide eyes—"I don't know Mikey... it's kind of late..."

-"I know but Luke has heard from his neighbor about a gig that he and his band are having tonight."

Connor froze solid on the spot.

-"A gig? As in a concert? Here?"—Grace asked, every time less convinced.

-"I mean it's not really a big thing."—Mikey explained—"They're a small band, they are all in school. And Luke says his neighbor is a pretty cool guy, I think he plays the bass. It's a very small thing—it's in the Yule Space! And there's not even going to be any alcohol!"

Connor wondered in his mind if it was possible for him to hate Mikey any more than what he did on that moment.

-"What's the Yule Space?"—Alexis asked shyly.

-"Well usually it's a bar, but people rent it for other stuff too. One of the guys in the band has an uncle who owns the place or something."—Mikey then turned towards Grace once again—"Please, Grace? Can I go? I promise I won't be back too late."

Grace seemed dubitative. Well, it was a Friday night and people did go out and all, it wasn't anything strange. But a concert does sound a bit too dangerous, especially for a fifteen year old. She was still figuring out the whole parenting deal around her and that could be told from miles away. As she thought about it quietly, Connor was staring daggers at Mikey, who had noticed and was trying his best not to look him directly in the eyes.

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