The Secret Is Out

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I was about to leave the palace with my horse and my few gaurds when suddenly the main doors of the palace were closed.

"Why are the doors being closed. Who gave you this audacity to stop the prince of Drupradesh?" I growled on the gaurds on the gate as one of them answered.

"Yuvraj it's the King's order. You have been summoned in the royal court for the offence you have done." The gaurd spoke nor daring to look at me in eyes.

"Offence? What kind of Offence?" I asked not knowing what all of a sudden had occurred that my father was behaving so weird.

"We have no idea Yuvraj, it's the King's order for you to be Presented in the court." The gaurd clarified.

No. I cannot go there. I have promised Manorama to find Pranati and bring her back to her. And how can I even forget about that bastard who tried to hurt my Mano.

"I will talk to the King later myself once I return, right now, it's important for me to go. It's and order, open the door." I ordered knowing the consequences I would face for disobeying the King's order, yet anything infront of my love did not matter to me.

The gaurds having no other option left were about to open the door when Ugrasen bhaisa stopped me,

"You need to be in the royal court Abhimanyu, they have imprisoned Kamini.....Your Manorama needs you Abhi." His words made me halt at my place.

Getting off the horse I ran. I literally ran towards the royal court.

The king had no right to prison Mano, if he had an issue he should have dealt it with Me. Why Manorama?

I reached the royal court with my sword still tied to my vest. All of my family members, including Niharika and her family with all the royal ministers were present there.

And finally my eyes found the one I was eagerly looking for.

My Manorama was standing between the royal court, with handcuffs in her hand as two gaurds were by her side.

The sight enraged me. How dare they touch her.

I walked with furious steps towards them.

"Uncuff her." I orders in a plain tone.

"You have lost the right to order anyone after the offence you have committed Abhimanyu Drupad." My father growled at me giving me a death stare.

"Really? Tell me what is my offence King Drupad." I stared back at him

He gritted his teeth while replying back to me, "Don't you know that having an illegitimate affair with a Court Dancer is an offence?"

"If having an illegitimate affair with a ROYAL court dancer when I'm not even married is an offence, then what is it called when you have an affair and a child with you wife's servant, King Drupad?" I asked him and as soon as those words left my mouth the entire court gasped.

Did he think that I wouldn't know what all wrongs he has done with my mother. She always said, the secrets inside of the palace are darker than that of a hell.

I could see my father freeze.

Yes, Ugrasen Bhaisa wasn't my blood related brother. My father had an affair with my mom's servant which resulted in the birth of bhaisa.

My dad wasn't ready to accept the baby and was going to banish both the child and the mother from the kingdom, but my mother came in between. She couldn't see a innocent soul being punished for the deed of his parents. She adopted Ugrasen bhaisa. But she couldn't save his mother from my father. My father planned to murder her soon when she started to demand for the queen's place and blackmailed him to make her his queen else she would make it public that Ugrasen Bhaisa was his illegitimate child.

He murdered her when Ugrasen bhaisa has his 5th birthday.

My mother never discriminated between me and bhaisa. I could see my bhaisa had tears in his eyes. Afterall he had lost his mother.

My father's face had lost all its colours. He never expected me to counter back at him like this.

I looked at Manorama, her eyes were red and puffy due to excess crying. She had a blank face. I knew she was hurt. But I will mend her broken heart. I know me love will cure her. I trust our love.

My father as well knew that banishing me from the kingdom would never help him. If I leave, bhaisa would leave too. And without both of us the entire ministery as well as the people of the kingdom would go against my father.

It was his deeds that made him pay
Will make him pay. There is no excuse for the crimes he has committed.

He lost his respect in the society by his own deeds. And now there was no amendment for it.

"I need a few guards to search the entire Drupradesh and find about the sex scandal that is illegally taking place here. Even as a common man, the constitution of Drupradesh gives me the right to report any illegal activities going on in the kingdom. Even The King cannot stop it. Now it would be better if the gaurds get on work instead of resting." I appealed to the ministry to which the quickly agreed sending a trope of army to find those bastards.

I could see a small hope in Manorama's eyes when she heard about the search.

Just once I get hold of that bastard. The day will be his last and most dreadful.

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Love yall and Take care

Sorry for the late update. Wattpad Wan not allowing yo post the story.

KayaWrites1 ♥︎

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