Chapter 107 Come back to have dinner with you

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She simply dragged him to the side,

"Are you buying things here? I have money and tickets here, take them first, don't delay things."

She took out a bunch of tickets, she hadn't used them much since she came here, there were still a lot, she stuffed them all at once to him,

"Here, take them first, and give them back when you have time. Anyway, I won't leave the village and won't need them."

Cheng Chao was at a loss after being stuffed with a bunch of colorful money and tickets. It was the first time in so many years that a little girl stuffed him with money. It was the first time in history. Although there was no romantic meaning, he couldn't tell what he felt.

"No, not so many,"

Jian Jian also saw that he was not very proficient in these mundane matters, so he simply picked out a few,

"We will use this for dinner later, and you can take the rest first. Go shopping quickly. I see you are in a hurry, don't delay."

Yes, although Cheng Chao was talking to Jian Jian, he looked at his watch from time to time, and he was embarrassed to say that Jian Jian was so careful that he had already seen it, and it was not good to tease him at this time,

"Go quickly, we will go back later."

After hesitating for a few seconds, the sense of responsibility prevailed, and Cheng Chao frowned,

"Jian Zhiqing, then I won't be polite with you, I will find time to send it back to you after I go back."

After saying that, he didn't wait for Jian Jian to answer, and walked quickly into the supply and marketing cooperative.

No matter what era, this outfit is a privilege, especially in special times.

Soon, he came out with two net bags, nodded to Jian Jian, and walked to the end of the street.

Jiandan didn't care, bought things, and met up with Tan Yajun.

"Have you bought everything?"

Tan Yajun weighed the backpack and muttered one by one,

"Li Zhiqing's gloves, my gloves, my envelope, our soy sauce... all are here, is it almost time?"

Although they came out early and the ox cart was shaking slowly, they arrived at the commune in the middle of the morning, and they queued up and bought things again. It was almost noon now.

Tan Yajun and other old educated youths didn't have watches, but they knew Jiandan had one, so they still confirmed with her.

Jiandan took a look,

"There's still time. I want to buy some buns. Do you want to go?"

Tan Yajun and others have always been very frugal, so Jiandan didn't even mention going to the state-owned restaurant for dinner. Why bother? If they are happy, it's fine, but if they are not happy, it's just a scar?

Besides, she doesn't need this bite of food.

Tan Yajun and the others also like Jiandan's free and easy life, without any pressure.

"Okay, I'll buy a few too, and I'll take them as a food improvement when I go back."

The two girls happily ran to the next goal.

Jiandan packed some steamed buns, vegetable buns, and steamed buns. Tan Yajun packed a few buns. Since it was a high mountain, she would do it all at once.

Knowing that Jiandan was lazy and would not cook if she could, she actually accepted it without any surprise.

After taking the things and turning around, she seemed to see a few familiar faces. Jiandan didn't care. She carried the things out of the door and put them in the backpack, and then strolled back to the ox cart.

The old man was sitting under the shade of a tree. When he saw them coming back, he immediately looked up at the sky.

"Why are you here so early today?"

Jian Jian laughed, put the backpack on the ox cart, took out two oil paper bags, and squeezed in under the shade of the tree like the old man.

"Here, I'll come back to eat with you."

After such a long time, the old man was not polite to her and took it directly. When he opened it, he saw, wow, wow, white bread, greasy at first glance, just out of the pot, still steaming, the aroma was also very tempting.

Tan Yajun sat in the shadow of the ox cart, Jian Jian and the old man sat on the roadside, each holding an oil paper bag and eating it fragrantly.

Just after eating, Lin Dongfang came back first, carrying a large package, and handed the old man a paper bag.

"Uncle Liu, I'm sorry that you have to wait for us here in the middle of the day. These are the buns I just packed. Please eat them first."

The old man was stunned for a moment. Apart from the young educated youth, this was the first time someone brought him food. However, he didn't know anyone, so he refused.

Lin Dongfang took a simple look, didn't say anything, and didn't force it, so he put the things away.

The black-hearted lady brought space to the countryside(1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat