16. This girl is crazy!

ابدأ من البداية

Kathy took a glance at my writing.

"I can understand everything very well. Well this is level, right?"

"It's eevee."

I looked at the word she pointed. Though the 'e' at beginning looked pretty similar to 'l' but I was sure the last e was very clear.

"Oh sorry. The last letter is definitely 'e'."

"It's okay. I can't write as good as you."

"I mean still your writing is good. The only trouble is how you write 'e' and 'l'."

"I understand."

Kathy started peeping down back into her book. Silence continued for few hours.


I was standing near the cafeteria. I had finished my study session. I decided to play with my Pokemons but before that I fetched some cold drink from vending machine.

The can popped and I opened it to drink.

"Hey there."

The owner of the voice was the student council member Ananya. She approached me with her Roserade.


"You are preparing for exams right? Are you free now?"

"Yes I had a study session until now."

"Okay then. I want to talk something with you. Remember on the challenge day, I had asked you stay. It's something related."

On the day of challenge, she had somewhat warned Han that she won't show her mercy.

"What about that?"

"What do you think about Han?"

"About Han? I have just interacted with her few times. I think she is kind."

"Hmm. Some good looking apples could be rotten at heart."

"What do you mean?"

"William is your classmate right?"

"Yeah. What about him?"

"Don't you think he is hiding something? Something which could be perhaps related to Han?"

"Why do you think so?"

"The previous president was older brother of William. There could be some connection."

"I don't understand what you are saying."

Ananya laughed. Her statements were not exactly funny but confusing.

"Don't act dumb. I know the president asked you stop me."

That was a surprise. I had not even started to stop her but she already figured out that the president has asked me to do so. She must have overheard my conversation with Lana.

"You seem to know everything about Han and William. Why are you telling me all this then?"

"That's because I am interested in you."


Was that a confession?

"Sorry what?"

Ananya laughs. She clutches her shirt as if I was too funny to ache her stomach.

"Well well. You will find the answers after the final exam."

"You are going to pull some cheap tricks?"

"My tricks aren't cheap. You will soon understand. I am doing all this for the business relation of my family with Han's."

"I see."

"There must be some parental pressure on her to become the student council president in this school. I can understand as someone in similar situation."

That explains why she is ambitious.

"But I am very different from her. She is waiting for Alisa to graduate but I am not. I can't let anyone take that position from me not even Alisa."

She is serious.

She was clearly hinting me to stay away from interrupting her and Han's bet.

"I am not interrupting you. I am just behaving as a spectator."

"So watch it yourself. You shall get the idea that how your days will go in this academy."

"I am looking forward to it."

Ananya operated the vending machine. She lifted a coffee can and opened it. She drank few sips. She hands me a slip with her contact information.

"Normally I would have never talked to a junior like you."

"I am not worth your interest."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. You are funny."

She laughed. Her Roserade chuckled as well. Ananya shifted her gaze to me. Her gaze wasn't the same, it felt warm.

"I wonder why the president is interested in you. Maybe due to her, I am being more interested in you."

"You should not have high expectations from your juniors. It could pressurize them."

Ananya smiled.

"You are awfully funny. See you then junior. Grab yourself popcorns after the end of your exams."

She left with her Roserade. She had some plan in her mind which she was going to execute after exams. I could not decide whether to stop her or try to spectate everything.

Her warnings were quite clear. She is not going to hold back to beat Han. She is aiming for the president and would not show mercy to the hurdles in her path.

I could only stay away from her.

She's crazy.


Author's note:-

Hello everyone,

Question for you guys:-

If you wanted to learn something from Pokemon anime character, what would you learn and from which character you would like to?

If you ask me, I want to learn from Cilan how to politely insult someone. I love the way he does it in the anime. I will try this with my friends. Fufufu.....

Anyways, meet you all in next chapter.


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