chapter thirty two

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(Ebon-shi pov)
As we left the commandeered Fort Snowhawk, my thoughts were filled with worry for Gentu after seeing the extent of his severe injury. I was shaken from my thoughts by a gentle hand on mine from the lovely Altmer at my side, giving me a reassuring smile. "Thanks, Asadelf. I'm just worried about Gentu's injury and the possibility of it getting worse." I said as we waded through the thick marsh while Gila had her spear out due to the large mudcrabs and slaughterfish that were native here. "Since everyone had a bit of a rough time, I want to make them a seafood feast to pick up their spirits," Gila said as she waded through the deeper water with her spear poised to strike like a stinger of a wasp. As me, Asadelf, Severin, and Suvvan entered Morthal Gila waded in the water and focused on catching a feast for us as we split up with me and Severin going to talk to the jarls steward and Asadelf and Suvvan to go to the inn to ask the innkeeper. As I and Severin entered the loghouse of the jarl Idgrod Ravencrone and her steward and as soon as we entered the elderly nord's face cracked a smile. " It seems that fate truly is wise." the elderly nord spoke. " Hello gentlemen, you've arrived at just the right time, I have a request I'd like to ask of you." the jarl asked as I approached and nodded assuring the jarl of Morthal that she had my full attention. " This may seem like a simple task to ask of such high-caliber individuals but it's one I know you extraordinary individuals can handle." The jarl said and I could tell by the look in her eyes that this was a serious matter.  " Sure jarl Idgrod, what is it you need?" I asked in a curious yet cautious tone while mentally preparing myself for whatever task she was gonna ask of us. "We have been having trouble due to an unusual amount of slaughterfish in our river, if we don't minimize their numbers our mudcrab and other marine life will be all gone, so I would like to ask if you would mind exterminating some to restore the natural balance." The jarl asked as I responded, "It seems that your statement of fate was much more true than you thought, one of my associates is hunting slaughterfish and other marine life as we speak." I said her face lights up with a smile. " Rest assured, Gila is the absolute best when it comes to hunting and tracking games, so consider your invasive species problem as good as gone," I said with a reassuring smile while Severin was leaning against the wall calmly observing the people around us. " Thank you for your help, we appreciate all you've done, wherever your journey takes you next know that you have me in your corner." jarl Idgrod Ravencrone said as she waved me and Severin left the loghouse as we exited and the thick murky air filled out noses we were met by Asadelf and Suvvan who had three bounties on the way to The Pale. I gave them a contented nod and we made our way back passing Gila who had a large haul of mudcrabs, slaughterfish, and even a few salmon and pogfish. As we returned to Fort Snowhawk Tully and Serana were walking around the wall of the perimeter as they spotted us Tully jumped down from the wall and approached. " Ebon-shi, Gentu is awake and is inside with Yamma." Tully said as I gave a grateful nod and entered Gila started cooking the seafood she caught while me, Asadelf, Severin, and Suvvan went inside to see Gentu and Yamma talking with Gentu's left arm in a sling that Myra had made to stabilize his arm. " Gentu, how are you feeling my friend?" I asked as I placed my hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner. " I can't feel my lower arm or hand boss, Myra told me not to undo this sling so I won't but, im worried about what happened," Gentu said as he rubbed his injured arm and looked at me. " Yamma gave us a brief rundown of the situation you two encountered in Muzan zol. But he said you found some things that you should tell us." Gentu's face lit up as he nodded and turned to Yamma. " Yamma can you get my bag from my trailer please?" Gentu asked as Yamma nodded and went outside and after a few moments brought in Gentu's bag and put it by his hand so he wouldn't have to use his hurt arm. " Boss, call the group in, and I'll show you all," Gentu suggested as I nodded in agreement.

(3rd person pov)

Once the group including Serana had gathered Gentu pulled out the blueprints he and Yamma found and laid them on the table. " We found Blueprints for devices and other stuff that have never been seen in any dwarven ruins before. I'm talking automaton turrets that fire out compressed energy siphoned from soul gems, automaton drones powered by a black soul gem of an individual possessing the drone, transforming sentry scouts that rapidly fire soul energy, and these are just some of the plans that are here." Gentu explained as a few of the group looked at the schematics. " That isn't the only surprise we have, not only do we have a dwarven trailer but also this," Gentu said as he revealed the very object that the group was searching to make, the dwarven pickaxe in all its glory. " It's stunning Gentu, how did you make it?" Asadelf asked as Gentu approached the massive hammer and the moment his hand that was armed with wraithguard gripped the hammers shaft the aetherial blue gears inside started moving. "Even I do not know what this artifact is called, but I think I will just call it 'The Forge' since it seems to have been made for crafting and forming raw materials into whatever you want," Gentu explained as simply as he could knowing not everyone was as tech-savvy as he was as he spoke he winced and held his wounded arm. " By the nine my arm burns, I didn't even see the injury I passed out from the pain and blood loss, how bad is it?" Gentu asked as the group clammed up not wanting to have to tell him the bad news but eventually Gentu unwrapped the bandage and was jaw-dropped as to how severe the arm injury was. The skin, the muscle, the flesh, and the veins were non-existent the only thing left of his arm were the finger hand, wrist, ulna, and carpus bones and about two inches of charred mangled flesh from the elbow down. The tissue was charred because Asadelf used a gentle flame to cauterize the wound and stop him from bleeding out Gentu looked at his skeletal remaining limb with a solemn look. " Oh, well I guess this makes me pretty useless in a fight huh?" Gentu said light-heartedly as Yamma gently put his hand on Gentu's dwarven pauldron to reassure him. " Alright guy we have three bounties in The Pale  one is to retrieve an item from bandits in the dwarven ruins of Mzinchalift that was stolen from a traveling merchant, another on in the Nordic ruin to wipe out a few skeevers, and the last one is to drive out a giant that has been harassing Dawnstar." Ebon-shi spoke as the group nodded " I will go to Mzinchalift and retrieve the stolen item." Gentu said as Shadow-step, and Sabrina took the item retrieval job. " I'll take the job at the Nordic ruin and deal with the skeevers." Gila said as she took the hunting job. " And I'll take the giant job," Yamma said as the group looked for a place to hold up while in the pale under the usual criteria. Easy to defend, a clear line of sight of their surroundings at all times, and large enough to house them all. " I need to check on my associates at the Dawnstar sanctuary so I'll be busy for a bit," Severin said as Tully nodded since he had business to attend to as well, first off dropping by his home of Bloodchill manor knowing Serana would more than likely want to go with him. " I'm gonna head to my lair of Bloodchill Manor to drop some stuff off as well i have some business to deal with in Dawnstar, so let's find a place to hole up at so we can all meet up there," Tully said as the group all agreed and looked at the map to find a spot to set up shop in. "Well, I see two forts we could take over, Fort Fellhammer and Fort Dunstad." Ebon-shi said as Shadow-step pointed toward the latter of the two suggesting that would be a good place to try to fortify since he had been there before. "I would suggest doing that one, it's got multiple towers, two entrances, has a forgery, brewing stands, it even has a prison if my memory serves me correctly it also has a tavern." Before Shadow-step could continue he was cut off by Sabrina. "Okay I'm sold let's go to Fort Dunstad!" The redguard buccaneer yelled in glee as she jumped up and started packing up her alchemy equipment the rest of the group following her example and collecting their belongings deciding to switch locations at first light.

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