Absolute Solver : Possession

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'Truth or dare, N?' asks Tessa. 'Truth.' replies N.
'Who do you have a crush on?'
N glanced at V. 'No one in particular.'
'Why, I'm not lying!'
'Uhm, guys?' Cyn started. 'I need to go to the bathroom...'
'Of course. Come back when you're ready.' said Tessa.
Cyn wasn't feeling like herself at the time. She needed to take a break from everything. As Cyn fixed her hair, she spotted a JCJenson branded pen on the floor and picked it up. In large letters on the pen was written "J, you're next!". Terrified, she threw it away and continued fixing her hair. She made sure to forget about it later.
Cyn could not stop thinking about the pen at work that day. It's just a pen, right? I should probaby forget about it. But what did it mean that J is next-
'Hey Cyn, you alright?' asked N.
'Yeah, I'm fine.'
'You look a bit distracted...'
'Uhm, I'll be fine, I g-guess.'
'Okay, if that's what you want...'
He left, and right at that moment, she spotted a tape recorder labelled "JCJenson employees only." She stared at it for a while, but then J and Tessa came in and she slipped the tape recorder into her pocket. Why don't people ever leave me alone? Why does it always have to be me?
Cyn had a break, which meant that now she could watch the video in peace. Even though she was not allowed to, she did anyway. Cyn inserted the video tape into the TV and it started playing. Contents of the video-
JCJenson project= Absolute Solver program
A base AI that allows normal worker drones to become more destructive. Appearance may change. Mostly sold in cores. Recently-
Just as she was about to hear the last line, Tessa and her father came in and James yelled at Cyn.
'Bratty little robot, just what do you think you're doing with that tape? Can't you see that it's for JCJenson employees only?'
'Sorry sir, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to-'
'Enough is enough. You'll be disposed of soon. And Tessa, do not bring these troublemakers in again.'
He walked out of the room. Tessa tried to comfort Cyn, but she said instead, 'It's no use. I'm already a dissapointment, and I'll be disposed of later. Please, just, leave me alone.'
Tessa left the room, but seconds later, Louisa (Tessa's mother) barged in and screamed 'Cyn, or whatever your name is, you've done enough. Now, get out of here and stay in the basement for two days.'
Two days? All you want is two days?! Why, I'll give you a WEEK of my basement time. Then, I would like to see you suffer.
She stormed out of the room without another thought.
It had been three hours since Cyn was in the basement. She was starting to get bored. Just then, Cyn spotted three JCJenson branded pens, a JCJenson cap and a few papers. She looked at them out of curiosity and read through the papers. She also noticed a container and inside it was a core labelled "Danger: Active Solver Core". Not knowing the actual danger of it, she decided to try it out on herself (I know, right? What a stupid idea! But she's dumb anyway, so she can't help it.) and replaced her core with the Solver core.
New Core Identified : Syncing Data...
The words appeared on her visor as she felt her body growing. Cyn felt power, she felt like God. She turned to look at herself in the mirror. As she did, she saw a more monstrous form of herself, having camera-like structures and claws sprouting from her back and an Absolute Solver glitching in the place of her right eye.
What have I done?
She was beginning to lose her sanity bit by bit.
I wanted revenge, and now I have it. But I'll lose my friends anyway.
Cyn tried to speak, but her voice sounded like a robotic voice and not her usual one. Her fangs started to grow. She was also losing her sanity bit by bit.
I have my revenge, whether I like it or not.
Cyn knew it was her fault, and she also knew there was no turning back now.
J opened the basement door in secrecy the next day, hoping everything would be alright, but no sooner did she open the door than zombie drone Cyn attacked her.
Word Count : 752

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