Chapter 50 - 56

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Chapter 50: Feeding Her

The next day, Wei Jianhua walked heavily out of the room. Wei Yuanhang looked like a little rabbit out of the cage, and ran behind him, looking for his mother.

Seeing him jumping around, Wei Jianhua felt like an eighty-year-old man. Now, he discovered that his second sister-in-law is too powerful and great. How can she endure this broken child for four full years?

Last night, this little nephew slept with him for the first time. He was probably a little excited. He dragged him to play hide-and-seek for a long time before he was coaxed into the bed. But this was just the beginning. Jianhua never knew that children can talk so much. Finally, the child said that he was tired, and when he fell asleep, Wei Jianhua's eyelids had already drooped.

When Jianhua was about to fall asleep, suddenly a chubby leg flew out of the blanket, pressing on his belly, and abruptly smashed him awake, and then Jianhua woke up seven or eight times that night, not by the child's arms or legs but because he was cold, the blanket's all bundled up on the child.

Finally, it lasted until dawn, when he was about to go to bed, he was woken up by his nephew—the child wants to get up to pee.

Only one night and Jianhua felt that his face was already haggard. When Jianhua thought of getting married and having children in the future, he suddenly felt tired. Now, when he thinks of the girl he likes, he's not so excited anymore.

Except for him, everyone in the family slept well.

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He Xiaoyun received a reply from Wei Jianwei last night, saying that he would respect her wishes, so the stone in her heart was put down. She slept all night until dawn and woke up refreshed in the morning.

In the past, Wei Jianwei was sleeping on the floor, and every time He Xiaoyun woke up, he was no longer in the room. Now, he moved to the bed to sleep, and he became too lazy to get up, clinging to the soft body in his arms.

"Morning." He Xiaoyun yawned in his arms.

Wei Jianwei let out a hum and rubbed his chin against the top of her head. 

He Xiaoyun pushed him, "Get up."

Not only did Wei Jianwei not get up, but instead he turned over, his body was pressed on her, and his face was buried in her neck.

"You're so heavy." He Xiaoyun complained. She pushed him but felt something dampen on her neck.

"Don't... it's still dawn."

Wei Jianwei was ready to move, but at this time, Wei Yuanhang's voice suddenly came.

"Mom, Dad, get up! You're a slacker if you don't wake up!" The child knocked on the door outside.

He Xiaoyun hurriedly pushed Wei Jianwei hard, and successfully pushed him this time, she sat up and hurriedly put on her clothes, and said, "Get up!"

After getting dressed, He Xiaoyun was about to open the door. She turned her head and saw Wei Jianwei leaning on the bedside, staring at her intently. His clothes were still messy and his buttons were not fastened properly, revealing half of a strong chest.

Even though they did everything at night, Xiaoyun was still a little embarrassed to see this scene in broad daylight, she grabbed the clothes beside the bed, and threw them on Jianwei's face, urging: "What are you looking at? Get up quickly."

Only then did he slowly start to move.

He Xiaoyun muttered in her heart, this man, who usually wakes early in the morning and runs laps around the place is the same lazy man laying on her bed?

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