Chapter 2: Reborn

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There was a place, called "The Celestial Empire of The Heavenly Kingdom" and inside the Heavenly empire was an angel called the Divine ones, and the Archangel which is known for being the first and the brightest star in the heavenly kingdom. Serafina, the Archangel and the angels with her along with the monsters lived in harmony. Unfortunately, a single angel changed this cycle of peace because of their greed and jealousy, he manipulated so many angels that turned their back against their own god, and became devils. Eventually leading to war between angels and demons, by the time, Serafina lost and died but God didn't accept this with the last of his power, they managed to reincarnate Serafina. Serafina, losing all her power and her place in heaven, lived as a human being. Serafina was renamed, to Eien (Serafina). A few years later, Eien was 13 years old and that will be the qualification for the entry to the academy.

Eien: Mom! Dad! I'll be taking my leave now

Eien smiles gently and waves at them with a gracious and lovely smile. Her parents waves back holding back tears at the joy for their child to be able to fulfill their dream

Eien: I wonder which academy will I go to

The place where Eien lives was a country side, and the name of the kingdom that she was about to enroll inside is called Fullcrest , meaning to "The Central of Eternal Twilight" and inside the kingdom there is 3 academy, one being the Holy Light Academy, second being the Swordmaster Academy, and third being the Magic Stronghold Academy.

Grandmaster of HLA: Hello there child, what brings you here in the Holy Light Academy?

Eien: I am here to enroll to the academy, is there some specific requirements other than the age?

Grandmaster of HLA: I see, very well. I will guide you to the academy, please come in

Eien: Mhm, thank you

Grandmaster of HLA: Your welcome, the requirements is only for you to pass the test, if you manage to pass 3 I will let you enroll

Eien nods

Grandmaster of HLA: For your first test, you shall just read this

He showed a book, with ancient text written on it and to some extent, only a few people actually managed to read it.

Eien read

Eien: (reading with ancient language) "The light shall guide the way, if there is light there shall be darkness, for the way of light shall shine even in the depths of Eternity, as bright as the morning star"

The grandmaster of HLA smiled

Yuki: My name, is Yuki the grandmaster of Holy Light Academy

Eien: Really? And did I pass the test?

Yuki: Yes you did, now for the second test, you will only place your hand in this sphere of glass, it will calculate the range of your power

Eien: I will try, but no promises

Eien placed her hand on the sphere and it started glowing so much, that it had a blinding light.

Yuki: No way... This is...

Yuki has lost the choice of words at how unbelievable the situation is.

Yuki: I see... I understand now

Yuki hides the fact that Eien, is a once in a lifetime out of 1 billion people that has so much holy energy residing them.

Eien: Am I not qualified?

Yuki: Your more than qualified, my child

Eien jumps in delight

Yuki: you won't need to do the test 3, since seeing your power like this, it's already enough. Congratulations, Eien you passed the test

Eien: Thank you! Thank you so much!

Yuki: Class will start tommorow, be sure not to be late, okay?

Eien nods

Eien: Yes!

Time flies by quickly, and it was already reaching dawn, Eien can see her house near, but the atmosphere feels quieter than usual. Usually, there will be rustling and animals scattering around, but this time there wasn't even a single noise, but only the gust of wind, by the time she notice there was a pack of wolves Infront of her house, his dad shouting.

Eien's Dad: Eien! Don't come closer!

Eien in a state of shock and fear couldn't help but to trumble, she knew she had to do something before anything happens to her family

End of Chapter 2

Reincarnation of the Archangel who Transcended DivinityOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant