Appealing to Minority Voters

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In 2024, if current polls are to be believed, minority voters are ditching the Democrats. Not all or even a majority of them, but a respectable amount. Swing states with large amounts of minority voters, like Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Nevada currently show respectable Trump leads in the polls.

This chapter is about speeding up that process.


There's a right way to appeal to Hispanics and a wrong way. Historically, what Republicans have tried is mass amnesty. Look where that's gotten us. Since 1988, California has gone from Ruby Red to a swing state to Sapphire Blue. As much as I love Reagan, we can blame him for this in part thanks to his mass amnesty bill. 

Hispanics are not coming over in droves because we legalized them. They're coming over because they see that illegal immigration and failed Democratic policies are stripping them of the American Dream they came here legally for. They've seen this country going down the path of Cuba, Venezuela, and Mexico, and they don't want that.

So, to appeal to Hispanics, we should more or less keep on doing what we're doing and improve on it.

Immigration is always going to be a sticking point for many Hispanics, though. Mass deportations, though necessary, will inevitably lead to some good people being sent home, and their neighbors and family left devastated. So here's how we deal with that problem. Starting in January 2025, hire enough immigration judges as the federal budget will allow. Then, offer each illegal immigrant to make the case for why they should be allowed to stay. People who have a history of working hard, people with valuable skills like doctors, computer scientists (etc), as well as job creators especially, should be allowed to stay. Give them a permanent green card with the chance to apply for citizenship in 20 years. People with criminal records, welfare migrants, those unwilling to make any effort to adopt our language and way of life, and those with no way to prove their identity or country of origin should be sent back and never be allowed to return. If they do, put them in prison for a hefty sentence.

Also, we should argue for bombing raids against the cartels and smugglers, and make the Democrats argue that that's a bad thing.


African Americans have historically been slow to trend Republican. While Trump made some inroads with blacks in 2020, it wasn't nearly enough. Now, in 2024, we're seeing as many as 25% of blacks supporting Trump or expressing a willingness to vote for him.

It's not hard to see why. Trump being indicted has definitely helped. Many black people in America have a persecution mentality towards the justice system. I am not going to even begin to touch on whether that's true; this is a controversial issue even among Republicans and it is not my place to be commenting on. That's their business. The point is that many black people believe it. When they saw Trump being indicted on bogus charges, many blacks felt they could relate to him for the first time.

There are other factors as well. Republicans pointing out the hypocrisy of Democrats pretending to care about the inner cities while they've done nothing for them is another one. The failure of Democrat-run schools is another. We should absolutely press these points.

As far as racism itself is concerned, we should not deny that racism exists and that black people started at a disadvantage because of it. Instead, acknowledge it and promise to fix it through conservative and free market economic and social policies.

Native Americans/American Indians

Native Americans have historically been outright abused by our government. From Indian Removal to broken treaties, Indians have always gotten a raw deal thanks to government.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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