velvet cupcakes

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After a couple of weeks, school life falls into routine. Announcements with Ralph in the morning, meeting new people, uneventful classes, very eventful lunches, hilarious drama class, making new friends, and walking home with Marley. We found each other on opposite sides of the sidewalk to my neighborhood the day after the drama skit incident, and decided we would walk together. We both round the corner to my yard, and I ask her the question.

"Wanna come over?"

"Would your parents be alright?"

"Nah, they'd actually be thrilled if someone came over." We slip into my kitchen as we set our bags down. "Cupcake?" She nods and I prepare her and myself 2 velvet cupcakes with pink frosting atop it.

"So where are your parents?"

"Work, my moms a nurse and my stepdad works business."


"Only child."


I toss her a side glance, and she scoffs.

"I don't know why I asked, you and Ralph seem to be together." I nearly choke on my cupcake.

"Mhmp- whag?" I ask, my mouth stuffed.

"Really? You two seem to be...ya know."

"I really don't"

"I dunno, you guys are like, always together, even outside of Mr Evans class. And don't you two do the announcement every morning?" I feel my face redden.

"Yeah, but that was a total accident, and Ralph is super friendly, he always talks to everyone." I rush out of my mouth.

"Your the only girl he talks to.''

Now why does that make me feel jittery? 


It goes on like that for a while until we move up into my room.

"HOLY PINK!" She announces lifting her arms above her head once she enters my pastel pink bedroom.

"I TOLD YOU! Wait! Best part!" I rush off to my makeup desk and press play to the recent track.

"She's the kind of book that you can't put down, like if Cleopatra grew up in a small town..." Marley rushes beside me and gawks at the pink boombox. "Great song choice right?! Some people don't like Taylor Swift but-"

"It that an Awia 7" portable boombox!?!" She screeches hovering closely around the music player.

"Uh, yeah? Maybe?"

"No way! I've always wanted this! I'm asking for it next Christmas except I want mine in blue so that it'll match my room" she clutches her hands to her chest looking at my white ceilings. "Where'd you get your's from?"

"It was my moms, pretty sure her boyfriend got it for her in the 90's but it sounds SO GOOD."

 We hang out for a good hour until she leaves before taking a picture of my boombox.

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