10: phone call

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You clicked the answer button, and held it up to your ear.

"Heeeey Mikkke!"

You heard a small sigh coming through the phone, followed by some crinkles of something that sounded suspiciously like a bag of chips.

"Y/n I know you hate talking on the phone but that made you seem super weird don't do it again."

You fake laughed and looked over at Lucifer, wondering if he had found that weird.

"Yeah okay, I won't. Where are you? Lucifers still here."

"Yeah, I'm at the corner store right now. Can you pleeeaaasssseeee venmo me some money???"

You blinked, and scoffed at his absurd place and request.

"The corner store, that's so far away! And, no I'm not venmoing you. Don't you have money in your bank account?"

"Er... well... that's the thing, you see..."

Your jaw dropped at his sheepish tone, and you tried to remember the last time he had done something that you payed him for. You had never received money from your parents to buy fun stuff with, so sometimes if Mike did something like vacuum the whole house or shovel some snow, you gave him some money. Last time had only been a week or so ago, and he had said he was saving up.

"Micheal! I'm absolutely not giving you any money now!" You said in an accusatory tone. "Use what you have left in your account, if you must."

"...promise me you won't get mad."

You felt your stomach drop, wondering what I'm the name of god he could've bought that used all of his money. You opened your mouth to yell at him, and then shut it, figuring he wouldn't appreciate that much.

"Mike. Seriously? What did you even spend it on, drugs?"

In your peripheral vision, you saw Lucifer look over at you, looking a bit shocked at how blunt you were. You met his gaze and shrugged.

"I dunno, he's a teenager, they do weird shit."
You said, holding the phone away from your mouth so Mike couldn't hear.

"What?! No! If anything, you'd spend it on drugs!"

You frowned at his accusatory tone, and chuckled softly.

"Not anymore Mike, not anymore."

"Yeah, and I'm glad—"

"What did you actually buy?" You said, wanting to quit beating around the bush, and stop talking about your unfortunate past.

"Um. There was a cool... guitar." He said, sounding sheepish from the other end. You blinked, not having known that he was interested in music. Your face lit up, having expected much worse.

"You didn't tell me you wanted to play guitar! I could've bought one for you! If you're serious, maybe you can get lessons." You squealed, excited that he wanted to play something. You had wanted to play piano or violin when you were younger, but your parents had deemed it a waste of time and money and told you you'd be better off without it.

"...really?" He said, his voice sounding unsure.

"Yeah!" You said, smiling.

"I— gosh, thanks, Y/n..."

Your eyes softened and your smile grew more genuine at his unbelieving tone.

"Anyways! You need to head back, it's pretty clear Lucifer isn't going anywhere."

"What happened when he came here then? Do you think he was lying? ..Wait— shit, am I on speaker? I didn't mean that!"

You laughed, looking at Lucifer, who was had been watching your facial expressions with a thoughtful expression, oblivious to what you and Mike were talking about other than what you were saying. He looked at you with an eyebrow raised, and you smirked at him in return.

Leave him wondering.

"You're not, and I dunno. I don't think he was. We'll talk about it when you get home, okay?"

"Okay. Goodbye."



red twine | lucifer x reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin