Trigger warning

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Before you read the book, please consider that

Abuse, self harm, depression, suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts, drugs, and drinking and violence 

are big topics and if you react problematically to them, we ask you to think carefully about whether you really want to read the book❤️‍ 🩹

This book is personal to me in some way so it was a little hard to share but I know some people go through some of these things and just want you guys to know that your not alone.

If you suggest with depression and suicidal through I want you to know your worth it even if you don't think so YOU ARE 

If you think you have nobody and you don't want to tell somone who in your family 

My message are open whenever you need to talk or just even let me know about your day.

I love you all 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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