Chapter 36: When I'm busy, I won't do anything naughty

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"Brother, look at your life of worrying.

They went to the countryside to support our rural construction, so adapting to rural life is the first step. If they can't adapt, then there is a problem, too much idleness.

If every day is like the autumn harvest, getting up before the cock crows, busy all day, eating has to be rushed, and going home at night can't wait to lie down and sleep, do you think, can they adapt?"

Secretary Lin still felt a little bit sorry,

"This, the degree of fatigue of autumn harvest every day, can they bear it?"

Liu Weimin is very rogue,

"I can't bear it, but this way they will have even less time and energy to think about it. Every day when they get up, they think about how to finish these tasks, whether they can finish them earlier and rest for a while, and how can they eat enough?

It's not like now. I have so much free time. I want to It's either about the gossips of other people or this and that. If you have time to think about it, it would be strange if you don't cause trouble. "

Secretary Lin shook his head,

"No, no, no, that would be a malicious destruction of the unity of the educated youth and the villagers. You are just giving bad ideas."

Liu Weimin said,

"Look at what you said. It's not appropriate at ordinary times, and it's not appropriate for those who make mistakes?"

Secretary Lin suddenly reacted,

"You are really good! You don't have time to think about it when you are tired, right?"

"Then you see, what I said is not wrong, right?

The educated youth came to the countryside to support rural construction. We also treat them as members, so we have to treat them equally. Then there must be a rule for making mistakes, right?

That is, our own members and villagers will be punished if they make mistakes. Yeah?

Are we going to the countryside just to get special treatment? Wouldn't that violate the instructions of the leaders? Don't you think that's right?"

Secretary Lin was so amused that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Old Liu, what's wrong with you? Have you become a bad person now? How can you come up with such an idea?

Are these educated youth disobedient?"

Liu Weimin waved his hand.

"No, the autumn harvest was over when they came, and they didn't dare to do anything weird. They were very obedient.

Who knows what will happen next year? Anyway, I'm not afraid if they don't obey. So I'll just work.

As for that, I'd say it's all idleness and stuffiness. When they can't eat, they won't think about anything.

Secretary Lin nodded and didn't say anything. He just looked at the direction of the mountain in a trance.

Judging from the situation of closing the mountain, it should be impossible to go up the mountain in the short term. At least she couldn't go up the mountain openly, so she cleaned up the garden.

The cabbage and radish she planted when she first came here grew well. She didn't lack water, so these vegetables were the most nutritious in the whole village. The heads and appearance were so good that people saw them in this year.

Fortunately, there were only a few educated youth who came to sit with her occasionally, and few other people came. These were planted in the garden behind the house, which was relatively hidden and did not attract anyone's attention.

The roots of the cabbage needed to be cut off with a knife and then stacked aside. These cabbages weighed six or seven pounds each, and Jian Dan was still a little confused. This thing, is it completely unbearable to be seen by others? It would scare people if it was taken out.


She originally wanted to find someone to learn how to pickle sauerkraut, but where could she learn this?

After cutting them all down, Jian Dan couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, the ones on the corners were probably not noticed when watering, so they were more ordinary than these.

Although it is still much more juicy than the small dry ones in the village, at least the head is acceptable, not as scary as the big ones.

The radishes are similar, but not so exaggerated. The big ones are thicker than arms, and the small ones are as thick as wrists. Except for the particularly good ones, the rest are still presentable.

Fortunately, her small body has recovered a lot and her strength has also recovered, otherwise she can only watch this garden of giant cabbages.

The ones that can be seen by people are piled under the windowsill, and the ones that cannot be seen by people are collected first. After returning to the base, I searched twice but didn't find the required large jar. Then I remembered that her base didn't have the habit of pickling sauerkraut at all.

The black-hearted lady brought space to the countryside(1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang