"¡Sabes que eso no es justo y lo sabes!" Carmen exclaims, realizing what Ana is doing. (You know that's not fair and you know it!)

"Tiene la cadera rota y está haciendo Dios sabe qué con los viejos. Esto es tanto para ella como para mí." Ana argues, grabbing her bag before leaving. (She has a broken hip and is doing gods know what with old men. This is as much for her as it is for me.)


"Okay, before you hit the street today, a few orders of business. One of my duties as Sergeant is to run periodic assessments on officers under my command to ensure that the duty manual is being followed and that, personally, you are all above reproach." Grey announces during roll call.

"Then I hope you didn't read my diary." Smitty jokes, making Ana and the other officers laugh.

"Uh, what exactly is being assessed?" Lucy asks.

"Occupational integrity. From how we maintain our equipment to the upkeep of all of our certifications." Tim explains.

"If we can't obey every rule, how can we expect that from citizens?" Harper continues.

Ana raises her hand.

"Cabrera, for the millionth time, just ask your damn question" Grey sighs.

"When you say every rule, are we also talking about the ones buried in the LAPD officer qualifications book-" Ana starts.

"It's not a rule if it's racist" Tim practically growls.

There is a small little rule in the LAPD officer qualifications book that says immigrants can't be cops. Ana didn't even find out about said rule until Lucy found it while studying. She's obviously still a cop and everyone says the rule is void even though it hasn't been removed from the book.

"Officer Bradford is right. This is a list of all minor deficiencies. Officer West will be in charge of sharing those infractions with you and making sure this station is in compliance with all regulations." Grey says, moving on.

"So I won't be riding with Officer Lopez today, sir?" Jackson asks.

"No, she and I will be out of the station for the rest of the day. So, that being said, Sergeant Roberts from Pacific Division will be filling in. I expect to hear good things. That's it. Officer Nolan, a word, please." Grey dismisses them. 

Ana stands up with Harper and walks out of the roll call room. 

"alright, what's up, runt?" Harper asks as they get the gear from the quartermaster.

"what do you mean?" Ana asks, softly, turning to look at Harper.

"You're overthinking" Harper remarks.

"what?" Ana questions, softly.

"well, you're always overthinking, but right now you're not overthinking what came first the color orange or the fruit or something else stupidly cute, you're overthinking something that's making your head messy and you can't be messy on patrol" Harper replies.

"oh... um, just family stuff" Ana answers, softly, looking a little uncomfortable.

Harper raises an eyebrow when Ana doesn't elaborate further.

"y-you want to know my family drama, ma'am?" Ana asks, surprised.

"Runt, you already know all of my shit, only fair that I know yours" Harper says.

"that's... fair" Ana sighs, softly.

"um, last week my abuela Esmerelda called me in the middle of patrol, insisted I come to the apartment as quick as I could. When I got there, I found her hitting my dog with a pillow for attacking a man who was trying to drug her. Even after finding out her failed one night stand's intentions, she was still mad at the dog and would be rude to it whenever she could. Tim volunteered to take him so I gave Moose to Tim, but I'm still pissed at her" Ana explains.

Altruism | Part Two : Careحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن