Prologue: Awaken

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Tink tink...


Tink tink...

Oh god, the headache.


He didn't remember much. Well, besides that.


How could he forget that? Was he dead? Is this the afte-


His eyes shot open, and he bolted up. The sky was blue, but also... Black. As if it were night and a little bit of day was creeping in uninvited. He lay in a small patch of flowers, surrounded by stone pillars around twice his own height.

"Oh, thank Mama! You're awake!"

He jerked behind him. Floating there was a creature, silver in color. It was in ways similar to a star, albeit chubbier and smaller. It seemed friendly. But Luigi wasn't taking any chances.


Luigi jumped back, startling the creature, but he stayed up in the air for a second. Like gravity was... weaker?

"M-m-ma-m-mama m-m-mia, w-what a-a-are y-you!?" Luigi was shaking like a massager.

It started to panic.

"H-hey, hey! Calm down! I won't hurt you!"

Luigi backed up into a pillar. "S-s-stay a-away!" Then, it clicked. Luigi remembered. He knows these creatures.


He stopped panicking, because they really were friendly.


Luigi took a moment for his pounding heart to slow.

"Oh... I-it's ok."

The Luma looked shaken, but composed itself.

"Well, anyways, I'm glad you're awake. You're probably wondering where you are."

Luigi nodded.

"I can tell you." The Luma said, in a more cheerful voice, the tense moment having passed.

Thank God, Luigi thought. Might as we-"But."

Luigi was perplexed. What did this odd little creature mean by that?

"I can't just tell you. You have to prove you can help Mama."

Then, because this wasn't strange enough, the Luma turned into a rabbit.

"Follow me! I'll show you my friends!"

With no other choice, Luigi arose and started to follow the rabbit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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