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Spruce and Floyd stared at the door then Ms. Wut walked in finding them just sitting there. She walked in and told them she had more chores for them and sent them to the living room with their brothers. They walked in and sat on the couch with the other brothers.

"Banana hair you get to do dishes, back talker gets the garbage with square head since he can't find the fan, the baby gets to find the fan, and shorty here gets to find the remote" Ms. Wut said sending them off

Clay had a nose plug on so he couldn't smell the Braised Cabbage, Branch looked in the attic for the fan, Floyd looked for the remote

While John and Spruce took the garbage out they made a plan to get rid of Ms. Wart

"How are we gonna get rid of her?" Spruce asked

"I don't know but we got to figure something out I am tired of this" John said looking at his younger brother saw him looking down. "What's wrong"

"I keep thinking about Floyd." Spruce said looking at John "He was about to tell me what she did to him when she took him into the other room but then she interrupted."

"How are we gonna figure out what happened?" John asked

"Someone will have to keep her busy so Floyd can tell me" Spruce said throwing the garbage away then looking at John

"What me?" John said looking around then pointing at himself

"Ya, you could ask her questions and keep her occupied" Spruce said as they were walking back

"But I don't want to aaannnd I don't get a saying in this do I" John said

"Nope" Spruce replied

Back at the pod Clay just finished dishes then walked into the living room to help Floyd find the remote. Ms. Wut was just sitting on the couch waiting, then Branch came in with the fan.

"Finally someone found the fan" Ms. Wut said grabbing it from Branch

As John and Spruce came back in they saw that Clay, Floyd and Branch were trying to find the remote and Ms. Wut was sitting on the couch getting blown on by the fan Branch found.

"Look who found it square head" Ms. Wut said

"Whaaat where was it?" John asked

"Attic" Branch replied

"I thought I checked there" John said under his breath

"John go" Spruce whispered to him nudging him

"😒 you owe me big time" John whispered back to him

"Fine just go" Spruce said rolling his eyes

John walked up to Ms. Wut

"What do you want" Ms. Wut said to him

"Can I ask you a question?" John asked

"🙄🙄 What" Ms. Wut said

"What did you do before you were a babysitter?" John asked

Her eyes widened she was surprised that he asked that question, no one has asked her that before. Clay, Floyd, and Branch stopped looking for the remote and looked at John confused "Why" Ms. Wut asked

"Just curious" John replied

She started to tell John her story, as Spruce whispered to Floyd to follow him. Clay and Branch followed them because they didn't want to listen to Ms. Wart tell a story, while John just sat there and pretended to listen.

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