The Valley of Thorns

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Back at the other brothers, they started their journey to the castle

"We should get to the castle in about three days" Christen said looking at her map "We will need to go through The Valley of Thorns, The Cavern of Cupcakes, and The Lake of Licorice"

At the Valley of Thorns

"Here we are" Christen said looking at them with a dramatic voice "The Valley of Thorns"

"This is the Valley of Thorns this should be easy we just need to stay on the trail" John said about to walk on the trail but Christen stopped him

"Walk on the trail and you die" Christen said throwing a rock the trail and a thorn trap shot out of the ground

The brothers eyes shrunk seeing the trap 😧😧😧😧

"We need to go this way" Christen said pointing toward the thorns

"So Christen how do you know so much about here?" Bruce asked

"Well first I grew up here, second I came here one time with a friend" Christen said

They have been walking for a couple of hours when they found a clearing they decided to take a brake

"Another question, You said you came here with a friend who was it?" Clay asked

"Did your friend die?" John asked

"John!!" Bruce said slapping the back of his head

"No it's ok" Christen said "My friend's name is Phil, and he isn't dead he is captured by Daffy D."

"How do you know he is alive?" John asked "What does Daffy need him for?"

"Well Phil is the prince of the land, after Daffy turned his parents to stone Phil started the rebellion but not long ago he got captured and now he is being held in the castle" Christen said

Before the brothers responded a bird came with a paper attached to it

"That's how I know he is alive" The bird landed on Christen's shoulder and she took the paper off

"Well looks like we have two trolls to save" Clay said standing up

"Really your gonna help me?" Christen said

"Ya your helping us save our brother and plus that is what friends do" Bruce said

"OK Let's go save Phil and your brother" Christen said getting up

She wrote on the paper and sent it off to Phil

At The Castle

Floyd was sitting in his cage when he heard a voice speak to him

"Hey, are you ok?" ??? said

"Ya I guess " Floyd responded looking over at the voice

"I'm Phil" Phil said putting his hand through the bars

"I-i'm Floyd" Floyd responded shaking his hand

"Hey it's OK we'll get out of here soon" Phil said giving him a little smile

Floyd looked at Phil with a little smile, but then Daffy D. came into the room

"Well-well how's life behind bars Phil...comfortable?" Daffy said approaching the cage

"You will pay for this Daffy" Phil said glaring at Daffy "And what's this now kidnapping little trolls what is that about"

"Well last I looked you are stuck behind bars and I am out here ruling" Daffy said looking at Phil then looked over at Floyd then back at Phil "Well you know how I needed to find the most sensitive troll and guess what I found him" pointing at Floyd

Floyd looked at Daffy and started to back up

Phil looked over at Floyd and noticed him backing up, then Phil gasped knowing what Daffy was talking about then looked at Daffy "I said it once and i'll say it again you won't get away with this" Phil said glaring at Daffy

"Oh I will because guess what in three day I will be so powerful even you won't be able to stop me" Daffy said sitting on his throne laughing

"Wha-what does he mean?" Floyd asked scared looking at Phil

"Don't worry about it" Phil said looking at Floyd "We will be saved before it will happen" 

"How do you know?" Floyd asked

Then a bird flew to the back of the cage Phil grabbed the paper off the bird

"This is why" Phil said handing Floyd the paper

Dear Phil

Don't worry I am on my way, and plus if you see a little troll named Floyd please tell him that his brothers are with me and that we are coming to get the both of you out of there

Love Christen

"They're coming for us" Floyd said with a smile then handed the paper back to Phil

"Ya they are" Phil said writing on the paper and sending the bird back to Christen

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