Let's start somewhere, Shall we?

Start from the beginning

He kept coming closer and I almost lost my balance.

"Hey! Be careful!" He said.

"Jax, you.. don't need to be here.. with your friends."

I just wanted him to go back to his friends.

"I haven't seen you in so long, I needed to check on you. My dad's gotta pick me up from practice anyway."

I sighed.

"I forgot what.. you played.. sorry." The tone came out wrong.

"Don't get snippy with me!" He laughed, "Still have a problem with socializing?"

I just nodded.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone. You seem bothered. I'm just happy I got to see you. I'll talk to ya later!" He waved goodbye.

I waved, then walking away as I could hear the chatter of his friends.

I finally reached my house, seeing a note on the door.

'Not home. Use your key to open it. Love, Mom.'

I grabbed my key, opening the door. I closed my eyes, breathing.

(Please don't let me see him today.) I thought.

"Kid! I know your there!" He yelled.

Aw, fuck. The bitch is here.

"Yay! Another fucker, right...?" I yell sarcastically.

There was silence. I shrugged.

"Sorry, you say somethin'?" He asked.


Whatever he was doing, this house is small and definitely not soundproof. He's ignoring me. Like usual.

"Kid, you don't cuss in this house, remember?"

"And your not my father." I shot back.

He gripped his hand.

"Okay. Sure. I'm your Mom's ex, so what? She still cares."

I blinked.

"When did she care about your ass? Isn't she the one who dumped you since you-"


He slapped me across the face.

"Your a player." I smiled.

There was blood on my face. Guess he slapped me hard enough.

"I'll be in the backroom..." He growled.

I shrugged, and he slammed the door. Doesn't great minds think alike?

If I was starting somewhere, it wouldn't be here. I would of moved already. My room's kind of messy, but not to wear you can't enter. Of course, my Mom has been gone for hours... again. There was a knock on my door.


He opened the door.

"Where's your Mom?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know."

He nodded, "Alright, I'll be leaving you here alone, then."

He shut the door before I could speak.

(Mom's getting cheated on once again by the same guy. Man, people never change.) I thought.

I opened my laptop and did some studying. Mom wasn't coming home in a while, and HE's with some girl if I could bet. I checked my emails.


I glared at the screen. What?

"There's a message for me?" I said to myself.

It felt like spam, so I trashed it without looking at it. I go back to studying, hearing the 'new mail' sound.

"What the hell?"

I clicked back to my emails.

'Don't delete your emails.'

(What the actual Fuck.) I thought.

I closed my laptop, and it starts to vibrate.

"Nope. I'm good."

I shut it down.

I sighed, picking up my books. I cleaned my room a little, and hear the front door open.

"I'm back!"

It was my mother. And I could tell someone else but the guy was with her.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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