🩵*~Part 1 The New Teachers~*🩵

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🖤🩵**Working with my partner on this story**🩵🖤

While Later 3 Teachers Quit their Job cuz of the Students Oliver and Zip where doing Pranks So the 3 teachers had enough with them, so They decided to Quit Their jobs, But The New Teachers Came~ Knowing They can deal with these Type of students:

Miss Circle will be a Math Teacher
Miss Bloomie will be a physic Teacher
Miss Thavel will be a Literature Teacher

But How did they Got a Job..?
let's just Say The Best Freakin Leader Miss Circle Killed the Director..

Miss circle wanted everything perfect even her math problems she had set new standards that needed to be perfect...

She reinforced that all grades had to pass their tests that get handed out to the students, miss circle told everyone that if they did not meet theses standards then they would be expelled from school(Aka would be ate by one of the new teachers).
ISome of the students were getting super stressed over the tests that some of the teachers handed out to them but none of the other teacher were as hard to keep up with then miss circle her self causing a lot of students to get expelled from school...

While the teacher told about the standards everything else, She introduced herself
Im Miss circle so I'll be your newest Teacher. So I hope everyone tries Hard to study math not getting expelled (Aka Eat students)
Students were pretty much scared they didn't wanted to get expelled, but
Oliver didn't cared cuz he gets Straight A+
{Oliver Smiling}
The rule Is Not to get expelled..

Oliver walks over to Zip holding his hand out want to form a A+ only group with me, Zip look at Oliver and say sure sounds like fun.

The first bell rings and the students are bringing loud so Miss Circle slams her hand into the desk and tells everyone to listen up and pay attention otherwise they will have two tests instead of one l and at that moment everyone was dead silent in the classroom.

Miss Circle was teaching when Thavel walked through the door along with bloomie.

Bloomie: Miss Circle it would seem that a student of mine failed their test today.

While Bloomie Told circle about it, But did they know the students Name
Do Miss Circle Told Bloomie To Bring He/Her, At Miss Circle Class And Talk About It
{{Maybe she Gonna talk to her or Eat her}{
Who knows But knowing that Student Must Be in very Big Trouble
While Zip and Oliver where so close as Friends, they where super best friends
Oliver and Zip **Giggled** knowing who was the Student who got expelled
Miss circle and Zip Oliver were curious..

After a while a shadow appeared at the door window of the classroom everyone was curious to who could have been expelled already looked like another girl!?

The door flung open it was Lana the was being pushed into the room by bloomie.

Bloomie: Circle this is the person who failed their science test their stupid excuse was they got distracted by a paper airplane during testing

Miss Circle: Hmmm I'd like them to come to lunch detention after classes are over

Bloomie took Lana with her back to class waiting for the lunch bell to ring, Lana was begging Bloomie to please forgive her and not to expel her from school on the first day she promises to study and work harder than ever before.

After everyone left They Went home
Until Miss Circle Thavel and Bloomie Looked At Lana Knowing It's The End of her so {{They Ate Her}}
Bloomie was Happy that Lana Died cuz knowing she was A Puppet Girl, after all That Bloomie Asked Thavel if she was okay.?
While Mircle Circle Went Home.

Bloomie walked over to Thavel and asked what was wrong, Thavel looked concerned about something she turned to Bloomie and said don't you hate it how we have to wait so long to eat someone especially when they don't fail a test.

Bloomie went over to the corpse of Lana and wiped her finger on her dead body, now her finger was covered in Lana's blood that was still kinda warm. Bloomie walked to Thavel and stuck her finger in her mouth, Bloomie asked now does that not taste good or not that's why we will stay by Circle's side until school is over.... So we don't have to starve, same goes for Alice......

Bloomie removed her finger from Thavel Mouth, Bloomie Smiled at Thavel, well that feeling right.
Bloomie though about it, Bloomie Said Miss circle is already at Home, it's just only two of us are here so, and dear Lana body **Points At it**

Thavel looks at Booomie and Thavel asks are you sure we can do that Bloomie? Bloomie smiles, and replies yeah why not we got time and plus Circle told us to clean it up for her.

Thavel and Bloomie starts eating as Thavel went up to Lana's body she grab the dead body and bit the neck blood was squeezing out the body's eyes.

Thavel smiles and says so fucking good... Bloomie laughs that's so cute I knew that you would like it a lot, Thavel looked back at Bloomie and said ummm what!? Being all flustered by the compliment from her.

Bloomie ripped off the arm and started to eat it hearing a crunch with every bite she took crushing all the bones left in the arm.

After Bloomie and Thavel finished their meal they pick up the remaining parts and through them into Alice's room, both of them heading home for the rest of the day full of Lana's blood and part organs

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