part 40

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Gm and nancy have their bf with anger on the other hand kook was trying to feed tae but he was not having it

Kook -(while creasing his cheeks) bubba what happened why my bun is not having bf dont you like it my angel wanna have something else

Tae - hyungie peawse send gm away she no love taetae

Kook - my lil prince tell me whom you love the most me or gm

Tae - angel lob hyungie most🥺

Kook - (kissed his crown)my bacha then you dont need to worry na hyungie will always be their for his sugarcub right

Tae nodded while snuggling in kook's chest and kook started feeding him and have his bf too but kook noticed coz of gm presence tae became dull and sad after having their bf kook went down with tae in his arms and sit on the sofa with tae in his lap with others

Suga - you are ok kook

Kook - yeah hyung dont worry and i was thinking to call binnie to play with this tiger

Jimin - yeah that will be great

Kook - my muffin wanna play with binnie right

Tae nodded cutely while showing his boxy smile with a cute giggle they were chit chatting and tae was playing with his plusie which kook was holding with another hand after sometime the excited binnie was running inside the mansion towards them

Binnie - taetae

And then he came to sofa and jimin made him sit on his lap

Jimin - slow down soobin

Soobin - sowwy hyungie

Jin - aww why so cute baby its ok

Kook was smiling looking at them and then he noticed his angel who puffed his cheeks while being sad so get up from his place with tae in his arms

Kook - (while biting his cheeks softly)what happened to my puffy fluffy hn

Tae - you ale ony mah hyungie right

Kook get it he is insecure for him

Kook - yes my sugarpie hyungie is only yours and yours ok and hyungie loves you the most now give hyungie kissies fast fast

Tae giggled loudly while pecking kook's full face when they turn around they saw all were adoring them both but at same time gm came and say

Gm - tae cant you walk you are a big boy now all the time in kook's arms why kook must be tired na

Tae became sad while looking down

Kook - enough (to tae )angel go to your play room with binnie and play there ok hyungie have some work

Tae - (kissed kook's cheeks)otey hyungie

Kook made him stand on the floor and  taebin run from there to tae's playroom and kook glared gm

Kook - what i told you in the morning stay away from my baby

Gm - enough kook he is not a baby anymore that you have to carry everywhere why cant you understand

Kook - as far as i know a 5 year old kid is known as toddler i guess and why do you have problem with that hn dont try to interfare in my family matter

Gm - what family matter kook am i not your family

Kook - (shout)no you are not and dont ever try to be

With that he left to his home office to get himself busy in work

Suga - what does she want why cant she leave us alone

Jimin - cant you guys see why she is here with nancy

The previous parts comments towards gm was epic seriously i loved it 🤣

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