Chapter 5

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Dan Dawson's Point of View

27th September 2023

"Are you ready yet?" Paul asked as he held my hands gently. I took a deep breath and nodded. "I'll be waiting here, go get them." my boyfriend said with a cheery tone. I nodded and turned away. I walked into the big room where every player who held a tour card was sat. People were talking with the groups they were sitting in. Some were sitting by them selves, which I personally thought was sad. I felt a slight bit of anxeity take over as I saw all those people. I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. Remember Dan, Paul is still here with you. I cleared my throat trying to get their attention. "Everyone, may I have your attention?" I started. The room went mostly quiet and they looked over at me. "Everyone who signed up, or is interrested in the program, please follow me." I said. I watched as a flock of players stood up and walked toward me. I turned around and walked towards the room where Paul was in. And the players followed. As everyone had entered I closed the door behind them. I stepped over to Paul and looked at the players, who looked unsure of what was going to happen. I quickly counted the players, they were 16, so that's perfect. I clapped my hands together excitedly and spoke up. "Take a good look around at each other, I think you should be able to make wishes. So if both agrees on each other, you'll get paired. And of course, it will be random if you aren't sure." I said feeling more confident with Paul by my side. All 16 players started looking around at each other. After a little while I locked eyes with Damian Mol. "Can we get paired?" he asked, while gesturing towards Kevin Doets. I nodded and told them to leave the room. They did, and just then it was Jules van Dongen's turn to lock eyes with me. "Can we?" he asked, barely having any space between him and Berry van Peer. I nodded and smiled, now gesturing towards the door. Everyone else looked like they had given up. 

"So, it's time to make it random." I said as I looked over at Paul. While I had watched over the players, he had written down their names on a piece of paper, and shred it into multiple pieces. He put it into a bag and handed it to me. I shook the bag and looked back at the players. They all looked at me, patiently waiting to find out who they'd get paired with. I pulled the first name up. "Mike de Decker." I read out loud. Mike looked nervous, hoping to get paired with someone nice I suppose. "Nico Kurz." I said as I pulled up that name. The two looked at each other for a moment, and then left the room. Then we moved on. "Madars Razma." I said. The Latvian looked really anxious as I said his name. "Krzysztof Ratajski." I said. They barely made any eye contact, and then they left the room. "Luke Woodhouse." I read out. "Rowby-John Rodriguez." I said. The two left and we moved on, again. "Connor Scutt." I read. The short Englishman looked excited to find out who he'd get paired with. "Josh Payne." I said. Connor smiled at the quite taller guy. They left and we moved on, damn I'm getting tired of saying that. They were four players left now. "Rusty-Jake Rodriguez." I read. This is the last one necessary to pull, 'cause then the two last would immediately know who they'd end with. "Wessel Nijman." I said. The tall Dutchman looked over at the Filipino. They left the room and left me with two players left. Owen Roelofs and Callum Goffin. The players locked eyes and Owen sighed. "I'm seriously gonna end with mr. boring-face?" Owen asked right into Callum's face. "Hey! I don't look that boring." Callum said. "Sorry." Owen said, not sounding like he really meant it. The two left, leaving me with my boyfriend. We quickly kissed and then went home. I felt a bit ill, and he didn't want to leave me home alone, so we went together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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