Chapter 13

410 6 26

22rd July 2023: Qualifying

Jaida's pov:

Me and Ria were sat in a random cafè as we decided to go out for breakfast,

"are you and Max coming to Belgium?" i asked her as she nodded,
"yeah we're going home after the Netherlands i'm pretty sure" she replied as i pouted,
"man why you gotta leave me" i said making her giggle,
"we rejoin in the US" she replied,
"thank god" i said with a fake sigh of relief making her laugh,

in the short time ive known Ria and Max i've gotten on quite well with them,

once we finished our breakfast and gossip session we headed back to the paddock,

we saw Max and Lando stood together and we soon realised Max was streaming as we heard Max talking to the chat,

"oi let's scare them" Ria whispered to me making me laugh and nod as we crept up behind them,

"BOO" we yelled as i jumped on Lando's back and Ria jumped on Max's

"oh my god- i nearly dropped chat because of you" Max said as Ria got down and Lando ended up giving me a piggy back again,
"Hey chat!" i said as Max moved the camera to show me and Lando,
"chat are gonna go mental now" Max replied making us laugh,

"give me chat" Ria said,
"no it's my stream go away" Max replied making us laugh,

"where did you get to this morning?" Lando asked as i leant down so my chin was on his shoulder while Ria and Max argued,
"me and Ria went out of breakfast" i replied as he nodded,
"did you miss me?" i asked as i discreetly kissed his neck making him smirk,
"hmmm don't know" he replied making me giggle as Max and Ria still argued,

"right let me have chat" i said as Max shook his head,
"no because chat are asking unbelievable questions right now" he replied as i raised an eyebrow,
"let's see" i said as he shook his head,
"give me the phone Fewtrell" i added as he playfully rolled his eyes before passing the phone over,

"are you and Lando dating, pfft he wishes" i said answering a question making Max and Ria laugh,
"just remember who is holding you right now" Lando replied,
"just remember who cuts your hair" i said,
"damn it" he replied in defeat making me laugh,
"why do you cut his hair?" Max asked making me look at him,
"because i'm a hairdresser" i replied as he gasped,
"does this mean you can cut my hair?" he asked,
"i don't wanna touch your nitty hair" i replied making him drop his jaw in disbelief as Lando and Ria started laughing,

"now chat aren't gonna be happy with that, being mean to their favourite person" Max said as i started reading a load of comments laughing at him,
"hm i'd say they're quite supportive of me" i replied as i turned the camera so they could see him stood there offended,

"wow chat i thought we were friends" he said making us laugh,
"pure betrayal" he added as i shook my head,

"don't listen to him chat he's dramatic" i said,
"right give me my stream back, your corrupting my chat" he replied as he took his phone back making me laugh,

"am i getting heavy yet?" i asked Lando making him laugh,
"don't be silly" he replied as i shrugged and placed my chin on his shoulder again,

"oi George take your best friend back" Max said as George walked past,
"oh what? but i've only just got rid of her" George replied making me drop my jaw,

shut up and drive Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang