I stayed back in my room as Bill, Gustav and Georg charged out the front, pulling out in Bills quietly motored car. It was early morning, so it was quiet. Other than the beating of my excited heart and the elegant, morning doves, there was nothing. I pushed out of my room, heading down the stairs to Bill's floor. I jogged down the hall, wrapping my hand around the doorknob. She was my responsibility for now, I only had a few hours to break her.

"Angie.." I said, my voice sing-songy.

My gaze fell on her, she was so peaceful as she slept. Her chest fell up and down, barely disturbed by my presence. She knew I wouldn't do anything to her, we both did. But, nobody ever told me not to get in her head, feed her lies. Get her even more paranoid.

"Angelina, it's time to wake up now." I whispered, my legs finding pace beside her.

My hand fell to her shoulder, she was so warm, tranquil. Something I hadn't felt for quite a long time, it was refreshing to feel something new like this; something so graceful. Her arm stirred at my touch, my fingers going down to her elbow. I gently squeezed until her eyes opened, her early-morning gaze hazey with sleep-paralysis.

"Good morning." I greeted her, smiling as her eyes opened wider.

"What're you doing in here?" She softly groaned, quickly sitting up straight to look around. 

"Bill had an errand to run, I'm in charge of you." I answered, sitting next to her.

She looked at me from her peripheral vision, her gaze frightened.

"Oh calm down, I'm not going to touch you." I reassured. "Unless..." I smiled, creeping closer.

She scooted away, and I shrugged.

"Alright then."  I cleared my throat. "You know, I lied to some innocent people to get you alone." I sat up, strolling over to his door. "I'm going to make the most of it." I looked at her, cowering behind me as I shut, and locked his door from the outside.

"What?" She stood up, rolling off the bed onto her knees.

"You heard me." I sat on the end of the bed, waiting for her to fix herself up.

"If you don't listen, it may cost the lives of your little girlfriends." I smiled.

She glanced up at me, her eyes warning.

"What did you do?" She said, standing up with gritted teeth.

I shrugged, cracking my fingers. "Sent them on a faulty trip, Bill thought they escaped." I yawned, stretching out.

She parted her lips, her eyes wide.

"You know, I can't see why you care so much." I added.

"What do you mean, care?" She scoffed. "Of course I do. They're victims."

"No." I corrected, nodding her over to sit next to me. She slowly sat down, her eyes slim. "You see," I looked to the door. "They view you as competition."

She furrowed her eyebrows, I peaked down at her through my eyelashes. "You understand you're not the first, right?"

She exhaled, like the realization finally hit her. That was the truth, but the lie to it was that she wasn't special. She was special, Bill never cared for his other girls like this.

"Katie was the first, then Katty- may she rest in peace," I added, making her look away from me. I assumed to hide tears. "Then about a year ago he found Kandy."

"Understand, Katie is not grieving Katty. One less competitor down. She's done everything to sabotage Kandy since day one- setting things on fire and saying it was her." I stuffed the lies into Angelina's throat. "And finally, you."

I looked down at her, my eyes condensing. "She wants you gone, maybe even dead." She swallowed deeply between my words. "She's over obsessed with Bill, she's studied everything he's done. How he talks to people, she's in love with him."  I cleared my throat. "But she thinks that he has eyes for you. That you're special," I smiled, a laugh in my throat. "I'd hate to break it to you sweetheart, but you're not. He's treated all of his girls how he's treating you now, but Angelina you're not special. He doesn't love you."

I watched the pain hit her like a punch in her starved gut.

"He doesn't love anyone, and he never will. Don't be worried about that little ginger skank, be worried about yourself. You're not different, and he'll eventually find someone to replace you with, like he used you to replace his other girls." I rubbed my hand up and down her back, consoling her as her widened eyes grew blurry with thick, blue tears. They fell from her jaw like feathers coming from a torn pillow, crashing against her crossed hands like a bridge crumbling into the ocean.

I knew she finally let herself feel for him, and what I was saying cut that small string of romance that held their 'relationship' together. I did it, Angelina was gone with just a small lecture. Yeah I was a liar, but what was the fun in the truth?

Ripping her away from Bill took barely any time, now she'll begin to think she could trust me, and only me since I'm the one who told her. Love the messenger, not the message.


Satan Reincarnate (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now