The Other Members

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Silverstream reared at the cars, trying to scare them off, but they transformed into robots and shot at us. Then, the motorcycle transformed into a rather feminine-looking bot. "This ends here, 'Cons!" she snapped, and darted towards them.

She gave a few good shots to one of the soldier's heads. "!" Despite this epic battle, when the robot said that, it made me pause. For Cliff? Does that mean he's... dead? No, not him. It can't be.

The purples started shooting at the blue one, and she did several back handsprings to avoid the shots, but a lucky shot right in the chest landed her on the ground. I saw the black and yellow muscle car I had seen on the highway, and he gave the 'Con a good blow to the head.

I felt the urge to do something, just like when I needed to save Cliffjumper. "Hey bolt head!" I screamed. "Do you play catch?" I threw a soldier a flare, and it landed right in the spark chamber, making the bot go supernova! The other one transformed and sped away like a complete coward.

"Hm. Nice work, kid!" the blue bot chuckled, putting her hands on her hips and looking impressed. "I gotta say, you have some pretty decent moves."

"Oh, thanks!" I replied. "Those 'Cons shot me in the shoulder, so I'm paying 'em back!" The blue bot looked shocked. "What? They shot you?"

"Yeah." I showed her the scars on my shoulder and the black and yellow one made a few surprised buzzing noises. The younger boy rushed over to see. "Oh, man!" he said.

"Wait, do you know an autobot named... Cliffjumper, is it?" I asked. "Red body, silver horns?" The two bots widened their eyes.

"H-how did you know?!" the blue one asked, horrified.

"Well, actually..." I looked at the ground, embarrassed. "The 'Cons had him. And.. I saw him. I couldn't just do nothing, so when he got dragged in, I went through a portal inside the ship and distracted Scream, and waited until help would arrive. When I saw you guys, I knew you were his teammates, so I ran away on Silverstream, because I was afraid you would notice me."

The bots looked at each other. "Hm. Come with me." She transformed into vehicle form.

"Robots?!" someone yelled. I turned to see Miko, the Japanese girl who was in my class. "Awesome."

"Scrap," the blue bot muttered. 

"Wait, why?" Jack asked. The motorcycle replied, "Look. Jack, Leah, and Raf, is it? You guys may be in danger because you are one of the few, one of the only who have ever seen us! Your personal safety is exactly why Optimus Prime has requested your presence."

"Optimus who?"

"Bee, take Leah and Raf. Jack, and...what's your name?"


"Jack and Miko, you're with me."

Jack paused. "And why exactly are we taking her?"

"Rules." A seat belt clicked into place around me, and the muscle car sped off along with the bike. We passed a gigantic valley, with plants of all kinds swinging by. The vehicles sped off the road and everyone gasped.

"Wait– woah!" I yelled in fright. Suddenly, a rock went up and a gray door opened. I looked up at the ceiling, many lights decorating it.

"We're here," the motorcycle smiled. Me and Raf got out of the muscle car, and the bots transformed. A red-and-white bot looked at us irritably. A huge green bot was walking around and looked down at us. And finally, I heard loud footsteps, and a red, silver and blue one walked before us.

"I'm Raf," Raf said with a hand up. "I'm Miko!" Miko said excitedly, and looked up at the green bot. "Who are you?"

"Bulkhead," he replied confusingly.

"Are you a car? I bet you're a truck. A monster truck! Do you like heavy metal? How much do you weigh? Ever use a wrecking ball for a punching bag?"

"If you guys are robots, who made you?" Raf asked with a shrug. The red and white one scoffed, "Puh-lease!"

The tallest one responded, "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, also known as autobots."

"Why are you here?" Jack catechized.

 "To protect your planet from the Decepticons."

"The jokers who tried to bump us off last night," the blue bot said.

"Okay. Why are they here?"

The taller robot knelt down. "A fair question, Jack. In part, because our planet is no longer habitable, ravaged by centuries of civil war."

"Why were you fighting a war?" Raf asked again.

"Foremost, over our world's supply of energon, the fuel and lifeblood of Autobots and Decepticons alike. The combat was fierce and endured for centuries. In the beginning, I fought alongside one whom I considered a brother. But in war, ideals can be corrupted. And it was thus that Megatron lost his way."

Miko yawned, "Is there gonna be a quiz?"

"Miko! How can this be boring? This is the most epic thing I've ever heard!" I snapped, crossing my arms.

"Okay, what does Megatron... or any of this... have to do with us?"

"Megatron has not been seen or heard from in some time. But if his return is imminent, as I fear, it could be catastrophic. It is best that you four remain under our watch— at least until we can determine our enemies' intentions."

"Optimus, with all due respect, the human children are in as much danger here as anywhere. They have no protective shell. If they go underfoot, they'll go.. Squish." Ratchet stomped a foot forward as if he were threatening us.

"Then for the time being, Ratchet, we must watch where we step."

Ratchet rolled his eyes and returned to his work. I looked around the base for any sign of another bot. I tried to remember what Cliffjumper looked like. The silver horns, the silver face, the red paint, the blue eyes. The way he looked at me when he saw me. When I saved him.

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