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You looked out the window of the coffee shop. Your eyes glanced over to the tips jar. Only a couple of dollars sat in it, but for some reason, it continuously caught your eye. It was currently 10am, the sun was already up and the trees were blowing in the wind.

You had classes by 12pm so you were waiting for you shift cover, however, they appeared to be running late.

You looked down at your watch in disbelief. "They're 15 minutes late," you thought out loud.

Normally, you wouldn't have minded being late to class– as your professor doesn't really teach the lecture until 30 minutes after. However, today were midterms. And if you were being completely honest with yourself, you still wanted to get a good amount of time in to study.

Suddenly, the door chimed and you looked up expectantly. Except, it wasn't your co-worker. Just another customer.

"Hi, welcome to Mugs Life. What can I get you?" You stated.

But the customer just looked at you.

You greeted him once again, breaking him out of his trance.


You looked at the man confused. And even after getting another good look at him, you still hadn't realized just how beautiful he truly was. His hair was a bright white and it styled with every hair in place. He was extremely tall, practically towering over you. His face was extremely attractive and to top it all off, he was just oozing with confidence.

The only thing that intrigued you were his eyes. Or the lack of them. His eyes were covered so you couldn't help but wonder just what was underneath that blindfold of his.

"I'm sorry?"

He pointed to an item on the menu. "I'd like a black coffee, the name under Gojo."

You hummed in understanding and nodded. "Okay, that will be $2.15."

The man pulled out his card and swiped it. However, before you could have processed his receipt, Gojo walked away and took a seat down at a booth.

You shrugged, turned around and began to make his black coffee. While making the coffee, you took one more glance at the clock. 10:20, it read.

'At least get here by 10:30...' You thought to yourself. At this rate, you might have miss your midterms.

Four minutes later, the coffee had finished brewing. You called up the man's name and he headed your way.

You placed him the coffee in his hand. "Be careful, it's hot."

Gojo nodded, and just as you thought that he was heading back to his seat, he spoke up. "By the way, could I get the receipt? I meant to grab it earlier."

"Sure." You said. You looked over at the daily stack of left behind receipts. It was pretty small and given as it was still early in the day, so his receipt was easy to find.

You gave him the receipt with your award-winning customer service smile. He thanked you and walked back to his booth.

Once he was finally out of your line of sight, your smile immediately fell. You looked back up at the clock just to find out it was already 10:28.

"Is she serious...?" You grumbled under your breath. You couldn't leave the shop unattended if you had wanted to keep your job. But you couldn't just skip this midterm if you wanted to keep your scholarship.

So you came to the decision that you ready to loose your job. After all, it was much easier to get a new job than a scholarship.

But just then, you found out you wouldn't have to choose. The front bell chimed and your co-worker, panting and heaving, ran in. "I am SO sorry, Y/n. My alarm clock died over night and so I woke up really late. And I know you told me about your midterms, so I tried my best to rush over."

You sighed at the redhead. Clearly she was in distress, so you decided to just let it go. Plus, she was your favorite co-worker. "It alright Kugisaki, but I really need to go now."

"Totally, don't even clean anything! Just grab your things and go."

You nodded and thanked her for cleaning after you. You were frantically rushing around to grab your things that you did not even notice the man staring at you.

You looked up at the clock one last time before making your way out. However, you were suddenly stopped by the guy who was previously drinking his coffee. You gave him a questioning look, but before he could even say anything, the man gave you his receipt all folded up.

You stopped and took one good look at the receipt. Quickly deciding to open it, you looked on the back side and saw he had written something on it.

'Hi.' It read. Nothing else.

You looked up from the receipt to question him, but he was long gone.

'Gojo, huh?' You thought to yourself.

He had peaked your interest. But now, you REALLY needed to get to class. So you wished Kugisaki one last goodbye and rushed out the door.

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