chapter 1.

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mugs life.

mugs life

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You watched as your roommate packed the last of her things. Thanksgiving break was right around the corner so her sister had invited her to go on a trip for the holidays. It was fall, but the leaves were yet to change color. You looked outside the window wondering just how long it would take.

"Don't worry too much Y/n, I'll only be gone for a week." Your roommate laughed.

You frowned. "Yeah, a week too long."

Your roommate had a twin sister who she considered to be her only blood related family. They grew up close, but in their teen years, they drifted apart. It wasn't until they went to different colleges where they realized just how much they needed the other. Now they spend every break going on trips and enjoying themselves.

The girl just rolled her eyes. "C'mon Y/n, you can handle yourself, right?"

"Maki. You know that I rely on you for almost everything."

"I know," Maki said, finally zipping up her suitcase, "That's why I think this trip will be good for the both of us."

"How so?" You questioned the girl as you plopped on her bed.

"Well, you for one get to learn how to be independent, and I..." Maki threw on her sunglasses and hat, "I get to spend the week in the Bahamas!"

Maki opened the door ready to leave and so you quickly got off the bed, ready to show her out.

On your way down in the elevator, you groaned once again. "Seriously though, what am I supposed to do, Maki?"

The girl shrugged. "I don't know, you could always get a job. You like coffee right?"

You nodded.

"The coffee shop that's like a mile away is hiring. You could check it out."

You mumbled to yourself. "A job, huh?"

It did sound like a great idea, and you were always looking for extra cash. Besides, it's a coffee shop, so how hard could it be?

The two of you had finally reached the lower level to be met with a pair of familiar eyes. "MAKI!" The girl exclaimed.

"Hey, Mai." Maki chuckled at her sister's excitement.

You popped out from behind Maki, waving at Mai. Needless to say, the girl was surprised. You had usually said your goodbyes to Maki upstairs, but this time was different.

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