Part- 17 First date💜

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You quickly ran out of the house and went near the main door. The guard opened the door for you and you came out of the house. You waited just for 10 seconds and Taehyung arrived in his car. (Bro owns a Black BMW🤧 and you own a Black Mercedes Benz S Class which you got as a gift on your 18th birthday from your uncle. You father had a collection of cars but his favourite which he uses daily is a black Rolls Royce Phantom and your mom also had a Mercedes Benz S Class but in white)

You sat on the passenger seat and closed the door.

Taehyung- Why didn't you picked up the phone?

He started driving

Y/n- My mom and her never-ending interrogations, you know.

Taehyung- I can understand.

Y/n- So where are we going?

Taehyung- It's a surprise.

Y/n- You know, I am dying from curiousity.

Taehyung- Just wait.

Y/n- Atleast I have patience.

After 10 minutes of driving, you both reached the destination. He came to your side and opened the door for you.

Y/n- How do you know that I love Namsan?

Yes he took you to Namsan for the first date

Taehyung- I like it too! I always come here to see the first snow of every year. But today, we'll mark our first date at Namsan Lovelocks.

Y/n- I guess I am the one who is Anti-Romantic in this relationship.

Taehyung- I am nothing without you.

He then pecked your cheek

You both went towards the Namsan Lovelocks and put a lock there with both of your names written on it, embarking the start of this beautiful chapter in your life.

Both- Forever and Together

You both looked at eachother, and smiled.

Then you both went inside the Namsan tower, on the top most floor to witness the beautiful city of Seoul.

Y/n- This is my favourite stress relieving place in the whole Seoul.

You were looking at the city while Taehyung was looking at you smiling and the slight sun kiss on your face, amber eyes and the brown hair.

He took your left hand which had the crepe bandage in his hand and started caressing it (you had just rolled it two times on your hand so it was a bit thin and on top of that you were still wearing the glove)

Taehyung- Is it still hurting.

Y/n- Earlier it was, but now it's not. (Flirty mode on😛)

You looked directly into his eyes while saying

Taehyung- I hope you liked our first date.

Y/n- I loved it.

After spending some time together, he dropped you home. It was 1pm

Y/n- Thanks for today.

Taehyung- No need to thank, I just like to see you smile.

Y/n- And btw, tomorrow is Sofia's birthday and me, Lexi and Jungkook are going to xxx Club for tomorrow's reservation. Wanna join?

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