Character Profile #1

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Name: Blossom Jasmine Ketchum

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1

Home Region: Kanto

Hometown: Pallet Town

Hair Color: Black and Magenta

Eye Color: Blue


The picture doesn't completely match her hair basically black with it turning more magenta like Jessie's hair at the bottom

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The picture doesn't completely match her hair basically black with it turning more magenta like Jessie's hair at the bottom.


Jessica Ketchum-Mother

Jessica Ketchum-Mother

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Ash Ketchum- Father

Delia Ketchum- Grandmother

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Delia Ketchum- Grandmother

Delia Ketchum- Grandmother

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Red Ketchum-Grandfather

Jack Ketchum-Little brother

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Jack Ketchum-Little brother

Occupation:  Pokemon trainer and coordinator

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Occupation: Pokemon trainer and coordinator

Personality: Blossom is a compassionate young girl who is always ready to help out pokemon and people in need. She can be quite scary when angry like her mother she has a feisty temper. She is quite the strategist when it comes to battle the complete opposite of her father at the age of ten.

Likes: Spending time with family, Pokemon training, Pokemon contests, and baking with her mother.

Dislikes: pokemon abuse, bullies, Pokemon abandonment, spicy food, overconfident trainers, her father away training, and being called weak because she is a girl.

Partner Pokemon: Toxel (No nickname at the moment)

Partner Pokemon:  Toxel (No nickname at the moment)

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Love intreast: Chase

Love intreast:  Chase

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