01 | The Trip

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Raghav's POV

We finally arrived at the location. Hassan it is. This is the place where we are going to hold medical camps for the next week. Six months from now, I will officially be a doctor, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me. It's not like there's a huge storm waiting for me; my life is pretty sorted out.

"Come on, guys, let's head into the village. This place is beautiful, and I can't wait to find a girlfriend," said my dear best friend, Arya, emerging from the restroom after freshening up. Finding a girlfriend is his lifelong goal, apart from becoming a cardiologist. But the sucker doesn't have enough guts to express his feelings. I'm blessed in that department; I don't hesitate to appreciate beauty or reject the hurricane.

"For God's sake, Arya, this is a village. Stop with your unholy ways of wooing a girl. It's not like you're lucky in that department," mocked one of my friends, Santosh, referring to Arya's lack of success with women"

"Fuck off, guys, I'm leaving!"

We both burst out laughing as we watched him storm out of the room, cursing us. But damn him, he's the biggest blessing in my life.

Breathing in the fresh air felt soothing; I guess it rained here. The smell of mud is heavenly. In pursuit of dreams and a better life, we lose the authenticity that villages offer. My dad always says that. Even now, he misses living in a village. He used to narrate stories about his childhood, and that always acted as therapy.

'Lag Ja Gale.. Ki Phir Ye Hasin Raat.. Ho Na Ho...' speaking of him I completely forgot to give him a call after reaching here.

"What was so interesting that you forgot to leave a message for this old man?", came the grumpy voice of my father through the mobile. I don't believe it when my friends say they aren't close with their fathers because I can't imagine my day without him. While I've seen all my friends be vulnerable with their mothers and even share secrets with them, it's not the same for me. The moment my mother comes into my thoughts, I feel a dull ache starting in my heart.

"Are you there, brother, or did someone finally woo you?", my little sister blasted through the phone, earning chuckles from both me and my father.

"Shut up, princess, I was just enjoying the weather here!"

"Papa, what you said about villages is true. It's so beautiful here. I'm loving it, papa. Princess, I'm telling you, you should definitely come here for your camps and work. You could understand the perspective of villagers towards life." She loves to study human emotions as she believes in healing people emotionally.

"As if you people would allow me to go anywhere," came her reply with a grunt. That's true, though. Papa and I are very protective of her; we can't handle it if anything happens to her.

"Don't worry, cupcake, I'll accompany you anywhere you want to go. You just need to tell me." I knew for sure Papa would be patting her head, ensuring she understands our decision.

"Mmm", came her gloomy reply, and I knew Papa would take her to her favorite restaurant.

"Okay, Papa, I need to go now. Take care, princess." After hanging up, I headed back to my room, which is apparently a school allotted for our stay.

I lay there for a while, exhausted from today's events, and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Loud whispers disturbed my sleep. I'm a light sleeper; even slight noise would disrupt my sleep. I glanced sideways to see if Arya was facing the same trouble, but that idiot was out like a log.
"Stop with your talking, you two. Geetha, just do it as fast as you can; we don't want anyone catching us," came a small whisper that felt like a soft caress.

"This is our first time; don't hurry. We need time to do such things, especially in a school where we learned our first letters," came another voice.

"Your first time, don't involve me in this unholy things" says the sweet voice.

I got a mini heart attack listening to their conversation. I quickly pressed my ear to the window to hear more.

"Girls, you need to chill! This isn't that hard. You need to hold it with your hands gently and shake it for a few minutes. Then, you take it into your mouth through the tip. Mind you, Geetha, it doesn't taste good," came another male voice.

"Alright! I'm out of here, you guys are doing nothing," came the sweet voice again, sounding very impatient throughout the fiasco.

"Please, be here, I-I don't know, it feels weird." said whom I assumed to be Geetha.

"Don't worry, Geetha, just follow my lead. It'll be fine," reassured the male voice.

"But what if someone hears us?" Geetha whispered, her voice tinged with anxiety.

"We'll be quiet, don't worry. Just focus on what we're doing," the male voice replied softly, as if trying to calm her nerves.

As I listened, the realization dawned on me, and shock set in. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mind raced, my heart pounding in my chest. I never expected to stumble upon such a scene. Shock and disbelief coursed through me as I struggled to comprehend the situation unfolding on the other side of the window.

To be Continued..

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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