Chapter Three: Dance With Me?

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You checked yourself out in the mirror one last time before opening your bedroom door and walking into your lounge room, you then sat down patiently waiting for the one and only Sheldon Cooper. You were half way through watching [F/TV/S] (Favourite TV show) when you heard three knocks on the door followed by "[Y/N]"

You opened the door to see Sheldon in a plaid tuxedo, odd but charming nonetheless. He walked calmly into your apartment and explored every room.

"You have a great system of organization." He suddenly shouts from inside of your room.

"T-thanks..." You shout back. "I think..." You mumble to yourself.

He emerges minutes later.

"Are you ready?" You ask, he nods as he opens the front door and leaves with out you.

What the-

You walk out as well and prepare yourself mentally for the date yet again.

~ Time skip brought to you by rude ass people who make me wanna delete shit... (。-ω-。) ~

You had arrived at the restaurant and ordered your food, now you were stuck in awkward conversation with the quirky, train loving, theoretical physicist.

"So [Y/N] how many dates have you been on?"

You were kind of shocked at this question due to the fact that you've only been on a few.

"Uhhh... A-a few." You smile. He attempts to smile back but turns out looking like the Joker, which you don't mind but it was creepy nonetheless.

By the time you had actually gotten into a normal conversation with him your food had arrived.

"Thank you!" You said as the waiter placed a plate of (Favourite fancy food) in front of you. Sheldon's food was set down in front of him and you both ate.

~ Time skip cause eating food and writing about it is weiirrrrrdddddd ~

After you had eaten you both decided to stay at the restaurant for a little longer. You were both talking when music started to play...

"We are Rin and Oof and we are honoured to be here tonight, we're going to play 'Perfect Two' by Auburn except our version is a little slower and it's uhhh-a..." The girl looked to the guy who was nodding and smiling. She turned away with a sour face then turned to the microphone.

"It's a duet..." She looked disappointed but she started singing with the boy who was playing the guitar.

"You could be the peanut butter to my jelly." She sang.

"You could be the butterflies I feel in my belly." He sang.

You looked over to Sheldon who was staring at you intently. You blushed and smiled sweetly. He stood and walked to you extending a hand.

"Would you care to dance with me?"

You smiled, the two on stage were now up to the chorus of the song. You and Sheldon walked to the dancefloor in front of the stage and started to sway with the music.

"Don't know if I could ever be..." She sang.

"Without you cause girl you complete me." He sang.

"And in time I know that we'll both see... That we're all we need..." They both sang as you and Sheldon leaned in for a kiss.

"Cause you're the apple to my pi- OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH YOU GET SOME GURLLLL YEAH!" The girl stopped singing and started clapping. The whole restaurant went silent until everyone started clapping and whistling.

"Rin." The boy on stage turned angrily to the girl.

"Yes your Memeiness?" She smirked. The boy leaned in but before he could do anything the chapter was over and no action happened because they are both memes and memes cannot physically interact even though they're friends.

Also because this is about Reader-chan and that one guy.

I went a little off course as I neared the end but can you honestly blame me?! \

future auth: Yes yes u can u fuckin 15 year old hoe.

K we're done here for the day, if I get one comment asking me to update straight after I already have, SO HELP ME GOD I WILL TURN THIS INTO A MURDER FIC.

future auth: chill you psycho ass bitch


future auth: now it's oof so fkn deal w it

[OLD FIC] (DISCONTINUED) Sheldon Cooper x Reader .:The Love Theorem:.Where stories live. Discover now