౨ৎ dinner ౨ৎ

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"Connor, go away. For the last time I don't care that the wifi sucks in your room," He yells out. I snicker about the fact that this is probably what they argue about.

I knock again. I hear shuffling,presumably him getting up.

"Conn-,"He cuts himself off when he is met with me. His shocked expression turns into a happy one as he breaks out into a smile, wrapping his arms around me. He lifts my feet off the ground and spins me around.

He cups my face,smiling and staring into my eyes making me feel flustered," What are you doing here?"

"My family is here for the summer!" I exclaim excitedly. His smile reaches his eyes and I couldnt help but stare.

"You guys just going to stare at each other or what?" Connor comments, sarcastically from down the hall. Brady rolls his eyes, dragging me into his room.

We hang out,practically the whole day, before I had to leave as it was getting pretty dark.

"Are you sure,you're comfortable driving alone?" He asks for the millionth time. It was cute that he was so concerned for me. I nod.

He walks me to the door. I lean up kissing his cheek before walking to my car. He stands at the door with his hand over his cheek, a cheesy smile playing on his lips.

The next day, I was having breakfast with my family when my mom asks me a question that completely catches me off guard.

"So who's this friend you went to see?" I almost choke on my toast.

"Just a friend," I try to keep it vague as I didn't want her to make a big deal of it. I love my mom but once she finds out Brady is a boy she'll think we're dating and it's just a whole thing. It was also hard to explain our situation, I can't even explain it to myself as it is.

"A name, arty." She presses.

"Brady," I mutter. Her eyes light up.

"A boy?? Are you two dating? Do you like him? Why didn't you tell me sooner," See.

"Wait you're saying we let her hang out with a boy yesterday?" My dad chimes in.

"Oh come on,Pete. She's not a little girl anymore," My mom slaps my father's arm.

He ruffles my hair before grabbing his plate, to put in the sink.

"Mom we're just friends. Plus I don't think he sees me in that way anyway."

"He better not," Walker says. My mom gives him a stern look.

"Walker," She warns. He puts his hands up in surrender, walking over to the dining table.

"We should have them over for dinner! I'll set it up right now," My mom proposes. My eyes widen. I try to convince her not to but she is set on her decision and calls Brady's mom. She probably had her number because Walker and Brady had been friends for a while.

"Alright, it's confirmed," She chirps, satisfied that she was about to put me through the most awkward night of my life. I groan, thudding my head on the table.

you are in love ౨ৎ - brady noonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora