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You walk inside the giant hourglass, shocked that it was more then just a timer for exterminations.
Charlie wanted you to talk to Adam about the hotel, but you wont. By what you've heard, he's not going to listen.

You finally find the meeting room, and walk inside.

" Hello? " you say out loud.
Suddenly the lights brightly turn on and reveal 2 people.

" you must be... Adam, right? " you ask a tall dude with a robe on with the big letter A. The robe looked bigger then him. You look beside and see and see another angel. Who looks like the ones they send down for exterminations.

" How'd you fuckin know, toots? " Adam isn't asking that in a questioning way.

" just do I guess. " you say sarcastically.

He reaches his hand for a handshake, but you had an off feeling, so instead of aiming for his palm, you swat your own hand through the back of his.

" ah, hologram, how'd I know? " you go sit down. Adam was a bit shunned, no one he's ever met ever even knew he wasnt actually down in hell.

Adam sits down and starts eating some sort of jerky, very loudly. You felt very timid but tried not to show it.

" so your meeting. Why are we her- " Adam interrupts you.

" what's your fuckin name first? " his mouth still full of his jerky.

" Y/N... Y/N Morningstar... " you say

He chokes on his food.
" you're fuckin family with the Morningstars??? You fuckin look nothin like them! " he laughs. Now it was definitely difficult not to look timid.

" Anyway. The meeting? " you mostly want to get to the point.
Adam looks shunned again, you seem to also be the first demon to ever want to NOT have a meeting with the first.

He partly looks at your bag, and sees stuff by someone named "Charlie Morningstar". Your sister.

" what's that? " he points to your bag full of Charlie's drawings before he stuffs another man load of jerky in his mouth.
You seem annoyed on how nosy he is. But you show him anyway.

" So her idea is to let the counts climb up the latter and cross those pearly gates? I don't fuckin think so. " you felt your heart ache when he said that. As much as you knew he wouldn't agree, it still hurts to see your sisters ideas be quickly shut down by angels like Adam.

" oh, almost out of time guess I should probably fuckin tell you the real reason this meeting existed. IN SONG FORM! FUCK YEA! " he pulls out a angelic golden electric guitar and starts singing hell is forever.

" we've made the determination, to move up the next extermination! "

You're suddenly shocked. " What?! "

" We'll be back in six months! " Adam shouts before pushing you out and slamming the doors.

" what the hell...?! " you couldn't believe what had happened. So you head back to the hotel.

" Oh, hi Y/N how did the- "
You Innterupt Vaggie.
" Not now V... " you flop onto the couch, the scroll Adam handed you with the words of " extermination moved up, 6 months left. " And " I do whatever the fuck I want. " Vaggie sees it.

" He moved up the extermination?? " she asks. But you're lost in your own headspace. You're tired from how long the meeting was. But your own mind couldn't drop Adam.

He wasn't too pleasant to look at, but he had a mask on. So why did you suddenly like him knowing damn well he was an asshole?

Suddenly the news played, letting people know the exterminations were extended. Angel asked why, husk just started swearing. Weirdly alastor didn't say anything. But you stopped questioning the guy about 2 days after he showed up.

But still Adam remained in your head.
" Why the fuck do I like him?? " you asked yourself.

A/N longer then the prequel, but still short. I promise it's because of my press ons lol.

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