Chapter 2

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"Anna, calm down okay? Give him some time," Elisa says.

"We've been together for five years and he still hasn't proposed to me, it shouldn't take him that long to ask the question," Anna says, angrily.

"Okay, have you talked about marriage yet?" Sophie asks.

"No, we haven't," Anna says.

"Well, there's your answer. You have to tell him that you're ready for marriage," Elisa says.

"But what if he doesn't want to marry me?" Anna says as she sits down.

"Trust me, he does," Elisa says.

Meanwhile, Ian and Anthony talk about the future.

"I don't know how to propose to her," Anthony says.

"Really? It's easy man, just ask "Do you want to marry me?" and I'm sure she'll say yes. You don't even need a ring," Ian says.

"I don't?" Anthony asks.

"I mean it is best that you do, but you don't need to if she actually loves you," Hazel says, walking towards the couch in the living room.

"Okay, I'll ask her tonight. It's our fifth anniversary," Anthony says.

"Oh yeah, right. I forgot you two started dating at eighteen," Ian says.

Later that day, Anna and Anthony are playing Uno. Anthony is getting nervous about proposing and Anna is nervous to start the conversation about marriage.

"So I need to talk to you. We've been together for five years and we haven't talked about, um, marriage," Anna starts, "and it has gotten me thinking," Anthony starts getting more nervous, "do you want to marry me sometime?" she finishes.

"Actually, talking about marriage. I've been thinking about the same thing," Anthony says while going down on one knee, "do you want to marry me?" he adds while taking out a key.

"A key? Really??" Anna says.

"It's the only thing I have on me," Anthony explains.

"Of course, I would love to marry you and be yours forever," Anna says.

"I love you so much," Anthony says, kissing her.

"I love you too, future husband," Anna says. They both laugh at the idea that they both basically proposed to each other at the same time.

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