Chapter 3

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4:45 pm

Zee's pov
"Hey Nhu are you done?" I walk over to him

" Yeah Just a sec Im cleaning my Desk and we can go" He said putting trash away and wipe his table

"Im done let's go" He said them pick his bag ang stand beside me

We then walk to the car and drove to the park

Nunew's pov

The picnic date was amazing. He was so sweet to me and bring my favorite food....

"zee let's watch the sunset" he smile

"yeah let's go" we stand up and walk a little so we can see the sunset

"It's so beautiful here zee. Thank you for bringing me here" I smile at him

" It's my pleasure my Nunu abd besides Im your suitor so I'll do my best to earn your yes" He smile while looking at the sunset

This man is really something..

A week after.......

Nunew's pov

Its been a week since Zee is courting me but damn he is so cute and so gentleman. We do dates everyday after work and he'll drive me home after.

So I've made my decision to say my "yes" to him

"Siri call nat"

"Calling nat" Siri said

"Naatttt~~~ I made my decision. I will say yes to zee"

"Wait really!!" he said so load that I have to cover my ears

"Chill. Gosh yes I will say yes" I chuckle

"Eikkk Im so excited for you my friend~"

"Okay I know you making me feel more blush"

"Ok ill stop but when?" he ask

"Tomorrow his asking me on a dinner so that's the perfect time"

" oiii call me after. Okay?"

"Krappp phaw" I laugh

"Hey who's phaw?"

"hahaha I don't know" I playly said ang hung up

Then I texted Zee that I have something to tell him tomorrow and after that I close my eyes and sleep

Im excited for tomorrow...

Zee's pov

I was waiting for nunew when my friend call me..

"hey zee"

"sup bro" I said

"So how was the dare on nunew did he fall in love?"

"It was good I almost forgot it was a dare" I said smiling cause we've been eating dinner together for a week and honestly I've fallen on Nunew. He is so cute, naughty somethimes, and responsible as a older brother of their family.

"So you want to stop the dare?"

"Yes, and I wanf to make it real" I said smiling and leave him cause I want to pee

Nunew's pov

I see Zee and his friend that I think his name was mark. Zee talked to me about his friend mark . That his friend are so loud and most of the time he is in the bar.

So I decide to scare him while they are talking but when I got close I heard their conversation

"So how was the dare on nunew did he fall in love?" Mark said

My eyes widen when I heard mark
Zee is just playing with me?? So all of his effort was a lie?? I thought

Then my tears drop when it hit me

Zee really didn't love me.

I then wipe my tears when I see zee walking away and entering restroom.

Zee's pov

I exit the restroom and see Nunew waiting for me

"Hey nhu" I said smiling

"Hi zee" he smile and god he is so cute and beautiful

"So what do you want to say?" I was excited cause I thought he will answer me, but....

Wohooo finally! Nunew knows about the dare

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