Scene 10 - Swimming Is Just Like Walking

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General Theme:

Buonanotte, Boys / Walking Is Just Like Swimming

(The sun is about halfway through rising in the sky, and Giulia is fast asleep in bed when the morning Reveille starts playing through a radio and Luca and Alberto burst through her door the instant it begins. She jolts upright in bed and looks half-scared to death.)

Luca: Buongiorno! (Little wave to her)

Giulia: Huh- What... (Yawn) time is it...?

Alberto: (Literally has a long soup spoon in hand) Well, the sun's awake, so you should be awake, too!

Giulia: It's like six—

Alberto: (Grabbing her wrist and pulling her off the bed) Come on, no time to waste! We've got big plans for today. (Starting to push her to the door)

Giulia: Woah woah woah, slow down. I'm not going anywhere till I've had something for breakfast.

(She walks right into the kitchen, only for the boys to sneak ahead of her.)

Alberto: We already got that ready for you.

Luca: (Pouring her a mug of espresso and handing it right to her) Here you go!

Giulia: (Looking down at it) When did you make this—

Alberto: (Practically forces her to take a sip) Andiamo, Giulia, we haven't got all morning.

Giulia: (Nearly spits it out) What's gotten into you two? I'm the one who wakes you guys up and makes the espresso and... everything.

Luca: Well we... have... something we want to show you! (Nervous grin)

Giulia: (Taking a sip) I... don't think I like where this is going...

Luca: J-just come with us! It'll be fine.

Giulia: Guys, what are you planning-?

(Luca and Alberto just grab her and start dragging her away as she starts looking definitely more concerned. We cut to them having gotten her to the beach behind the house.)

Giulia: (Trying to break free) Oh no. OH NO NO NO NO.

Alberto: Short answer, yes. Long answer, yes yes!

Luca: But it's okay, we have something for you! Right, Berto?

(Alberto proceeds to pull a ring-shaped pool floatie from some corner of the universe behind a rock and shoves it over Giulia.)

Alberto: We'll start off easy. You only have to get your legs wet!

Giulia: ...What am I, five?

Alberto: (Shrug) More or less.

Giulia: Hey-

(And then he and Luca literally pick her up and toss her into the deeper end of the water, which winds up only getting the bottom half of her wet, before they slide in as well.)

Giulia: You've got to be— (Noticing her feet and hugging the side of the floatie in fear) kidding...

Alberto: (Pops up right in front of her and absolutely scares her so she flips the floatie upside down) Whoops—

Giulia: (Pops her head up, gasping for air) That... was NOT SLOW...

Alberto: Gesundheit.

Luca 2: The Complete ScriptOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora