Chapter 1: Crimson Lion

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Third PoV:

It was a pleasant morning for the furious five, training as the chance of being the Dragon warrior loom over them. Tigress using the crocodile mechanisms to train her speed and power, Crane and Monkey battle it out on the bowl testing their balance, Viper and Mantis on the fire stoker lane fighting as the fire erupts beneath them randomly.

Then someone knocked on the door of the Dojo making all of them stop thinking it was their Master Shifu, they lined up in front of the door and waited for a minute for the door to open. But it didn't, then they all remember that master Shifu doe not knocked which made them suspicious and warily walked out the dojo.

Suddenly a Staff was thrown towards Tigress attempting to impale her but she countered it flinging up in there air with her palm and striking it down in a distance in front of her, impaling it to the ground. This made the five take their stance, then a cloak figure jump from the trees to the roof of the Dojo then in front of them, beside the Staff.

He stood up towering each of the kung fu masters, seemingly sizing them up and chuckled darkly. Losing patience Tigress spoke up, "Who are you?!" she demanded, the figure only shook his head while chuckling.

"This is the fabled furious five? I admit, I may have overestimated you all. You don't seem like a strong bunch." The figure said trying to anger them and pointing the staff at them. This of course worked as Tigress charged to the Stranger to attack but was dodged and countered by being kneed to the stomach with his left leg and got side kicked back to the others by his right leg. The movement was smooth which made Tigress suprised.

"Tigress" Viper shouted in worry, as the monkey and Crane tried to tag team the stranger, Crane flew high gaining air as Monkey engaged in combat with him. All of the eimian's attack was blocked by the stranger even when he's using all of his limbs and tail, the stranger seemingly dancing making it hard to predict his movements for Monkey as he slowly being forced to be defensive.

Then he accidentally let a window open from his stance and the stranger took it, ducking over his kick and gut punching him then wrapping his tail on his neck and throwing him behind to crash against Crane who was trying to hit him from the air.

The Cloaked Stranger stood up and dusted his palms and went to retrieve his staff but pain erupted on his cheek by an unseen fighter. Mantis continued attack the stranger's blind spots using his speed to confuse him but the dtranger predicted the insect's movements and caught him and threw him up in the air then grabbing his staff and ripping it from the ground and using it as a bat to smack him away towards Viper and Tigress.

Tigress finally recovered and saw three of her team mates on the ground passed out, she looked at viper and nodded. They both took a stance, as the stranger turned his attention to them then taunted them with by taking a mock stance as well.

Tigress and Viper took this chance and attacked him together, the stranger maneuvered around their attacks with rhythmic steps and break dancing around them, blocking their attacks with his movements and hitting them bacm with precise attacks until he knocks them both down with a smack on the head and a hit at the back.

The sound of battle alerted Shifu out of his house making him rush out and towards the Dojo. As he got there he saw his students prone on the ground as a lone cloaked figure stands at the center.

Lost to his anger, he attacked the Stranger without any warning. The Stranger noticed an incoming kick and blocked it by his forearm looking directly at Red panda's eyes, his Emerald orbs staring at Shifu's blue ones and then they engaged on a battle each countering and hitting each other but their are no signs of them winning.

While they were busy fighting, the furious five finally gained consciousness and helped other up then watched the battle unfold as their Master goes toe to toe with the Stranger. Surprisingly, the Stranger manages to make Master Shifu a run of his money but one kick from their Master made the Starnger stumble back, knocking his straw hat off his head.

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