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Alessandro Costello (22 yrs old, older twin of Adrien)

> He is the Mafia Boss of Italian Mafia.
> Lost his twin when he was 13 and blames himself for it.
> Close with Ezra, Damien and Alexandera. 
> Loves his parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. 
> He is the CEO of A&C Corporations.

Adrien Costello (22 yrs old, younger twin of Alessandro) 

> He was supposed to be the second-in-command of Italian Mafia.
> Had to stay away from his siblings and parents from the age of 13.
> Close with Elijah, Derek and Alexander.
> Loves his parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
> He was supposed to be the CFO of A&C Corporations.

Ezra Costello (19 yrs old, older twin of Elijah)

> He works as the Hacker for Italian Mafia.
> Lost his elder brother when He was 10. 
> Close with Alessandro,  Damien and  Alexandera. 
> Loves his parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
> He doesn't work in the company.

Elijah Costello (19 yrs old, younger twin of Ezra)

> He works as sharpshooter for Italian Mafia.
> Lost his elder brother when He was 10.
> Close with Adrien, Derek and Alexander.   
> Loves his parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
> He doesn't work in the company.

Damien Costello (16 yrs old, older twin of Derek)

> He is the best fighter of Italian Mafia.
> Lost his elder brother when He was 7.
> Close with Alessandro, Ezra and Alexandera. 
> Loves his parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
> He doesn't work in the company.

Derek Costello (16 yrs old, younger twin if Damien)

> He is the best shooter of Italian Mafia.
> Lost his elder brother when he was 7.
> Close with Adrien, Elijah and Alexander. 
> Loves his parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
> He doesn't work in company.

Alexandera Costello (15 yrs old, older twin of Alexander)

> She lives in India unaware of the fact that she has siblings as well as a twin.
> She is the best known Underworld fighter.
> Gets close with Alessandro, Ezra and Damien.
>Loves her parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
> She is the secret CEO of her own company.

Alexander Costello (15 yrs old, younger twin of Alexandera)

>He lives in India unaware of the fact that he has siblings as well as a twin.
> He is unaware of Underworld. 
> Gets Close with his twin, Adrien, Elijah and Derek.
> Loves his parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
> Is scared to get attached with others but Gets attached after a few months seeing their good nature.

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