Bog Buds Family Farm

Start from the beginning

Net was quick to take the dancefloor with his wife, taking her hand, and dragging her not just to the floor, but the very center. She started off shy and uncertain, but as Net confidently spun her round and round, the music, joy, and laughter became infectious.

"C'mon, Pen-Pen, let's dance!" Snorlax891 pleaded, holding out her hand to her wife after seeing Net and Maru. I can do that too, Net!

"Once Maru and Net are done!" Penny laughed back as she gestured to the three little ones running back and forth between her and her mother. The slightly older two were Net and Maru's children while the youngest third was Penny and Snorlax891's son, Atticus.

Snorlax891 pouted as she watched the children play back and forth between Penny and Pam. Even though Pam was just shy of three months sober at this point, Snorlax891 still wasn't a big fan of her mother in law. Why can't she just dance off into a keg of fruit wine or something, or go get hit by a bus so I can hit on Penny without her always around?! And I don't think I want to leave my son alone with Pam, so... Ugh.

Elliot and Alex danced together too, their long hair flowing. "You know? When this song is finished, I should break out my guitar," Alex grinned, and Elliot's eyes lit up in delight. Thanks to Alex, he could strum a few chords too, and he was fast finding music just as romantic as story. In either case, it was words from the heart, set to a beautiful rhythm that could connect people across space and time. Elliot never would've imagined himself marrying a trans man, but in a way, it was poetic and perfect. They were both longing for connection, understanding, and visibility. So was...

"S-s-sorry I don't... take you dancing..." said Krobus quietly, little feet swinging slowly back and forth as he and Boggle sat side by side at one of the long, wooden tables, hidden near the back away from the prying eyes of others. Boggle was happily stuffing her face with rubs.

"Isssh ok, Krobussh!" Boggle grinned through a mouthful. She gulped it down forcefully, void mayo dripping down her chin. "I don't like dancing anyway!" Maybe Krobus thought poorly of himself, but Boggle meant it when she said that she considered their intertwined stories perfect.

Never thought I'd partner up with ANYBODY. Just thought I was here to move in with my cousin and help him out on the farm. And yet, life had a funny way of throwing curveballs. After meeting Krobus, and learning that he desired companionship, but only of the platonic variety, Boggle was instantly intrigued. There was more than one type of love, after all, and romance and sexuality were not any better or worse.

If anything, NET'S the boring normie here! Boggle chuckled. Of the four couples, he and Maru seemed the most logical, boring, and plain. Alex and Elliot were well-matched, but both highly eccentric. And the entire farm was still trying to figure out what the heck Penny saw in Snorlax891.


"Uhhh, excuse me? Who invited... that thing here?" Like a wrong note played at the wrong time, the voice that called out to Boggle and Krobus—Pierre's—was crashing, discordant, a pain to listen to, and a complete contrast to the rest of the atmosphere of the evening.

"Uhhh, uhhh, uhhh...!" Krobus looked left and right frantically. Those closest to Pierre heard the disgust in his voice and turned around. It set off a chain reaction, and everywhere poor Krobus looked, someone was staring. The sky was still too bright to hide him.

"Hey now, it's a free country," Boggle frowned, setting her void-mayo-slathered ribs down for the first time that evening.

"Right! He isn't hurting anyone!" Penny nodded fiercely. "So just leave him alone!"

"But Mayor Lewis didn't invite it!" Pierre continued disdainfully.

"Excuse you! Krobus' pronouns are he/they!" Boggle interrupted with a snap, jumping to her feet. She rested a hand on the hilt of her Infinity Blade.

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