Chapter 2 By the Naihe Bridge

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The darkness deepened, with only a faint glow lingering around the bluish stones. The mist around them gathered, thickening with each passing moment. From the depths of that shadowy void, strange sounds began to emerge. They seemed like the calls of birds or the roars of tigers, but upon closer inspection, they were neither. Trying to listen more intently, it seemed as if the sounds vanished into the ether.

"Travelers, who among you is weary? Come, have a cup of tea with me, and continue your journey refreshed," said an old woman, her voice warm and patient as she offered her wares.

"Grandmother, we're here to wait for someone. Please, have mercy and don't urge us on. We know you have a kind heart, let us wait a little longer," pleaded a fragile young woman, her courage finding its voice as she spoke. Her face was etched with pleading. "Please, don't let us drink your tea!"

"Oh?" The old woman furrowed her brow. "You're here to wait for someone? Hmm, 'Do not wait by the Naihe Bridge, nor look back upon the River of Forgetfulness.' Have you heard that saying before?" She scooped up a ladle of boiling water and continued, "By the sound of your voice, it seems you already know who I am. I'm curious, who told you not to drink my tea?"

"This..." The young woman and her husband exchanged glances, hesitated, and then lowered their heads in silence.

"Well, if you can't say, I won't force you. Your arrival here is a rare fate indeed. Why don't you try my brew?"

"Wait!" A slightly boyish voice rang out. Everyone turned to see a teenager who had been lingering in the back of the crowd. "Grandmother, my name is Xiao Qi. I deliver vegetables in the town. I often help the Qin family with their deliveries. Ever since my parents died, the Qin family has been very kind to me, and I've always been grateful to them. If the Qin couple has to drink this tea, let me drink it for them. It'll give them some extra time to wait for who they're expecting. Would that be alright with you, Grandmother?"

The words flowed smoothly from the boy's mouth, obviously well-thought-out in his mind. After speaking, he looked at the old woman with hopeful eyes. The others around him seemed equally surprised, as the quiet and diligent Xiao Qi had never spoken so boldly before. They were all momentarily stunned.

"Hmm, good boy, good boy!" The old woman chuckled. "I haven't seen such gratitude in a long time, and from such a young one. It's truly remarkable."

"Phew~" Qin Shi, the tall and muscular man standing nearby, let out a breath after hearing those words. He thought, This old woman sounds like the boy won't have to drink that strange tea. The others around him shared the same sentiment. Although they had their own differences and conflicts, they seemed to agree on this matter that seemed unrelated to them. However, the young woman in the red dress who had arrived earlier, her shoulders trembled slightly.

The mist grew thicker, and the surrounding air seemed to chill even further.

Qin Shi gently embraced his wife as they listened intently to the old woman's soft yet profound words. "Alas, we stand within the Gates of the Underworld, at the end of the Yellow Spring Road, beside the Naihe Bridge and the Stone of Three Lives. The Hall of the Yama King is governed by strict laws, and the realm of the dead abides by its own set of rules. After death, spirits traverse the Gates of the Underworld in various ways. Crossing the Gates, they embark on the Yellow Spring Road, sip the tea of Meng Po, and traverse the Naihe Bridge. Thereafter, they are escorted by specialized guides to the Hall of the Yama King for judgment."

Here, her voice paused, and the old woman surveyed the crowd with her gaze. She continued slowly, "It has been said since ancient times that to reach the Hall of the Yama King, one must cross the River of Forgetfulness. To traverse that river, one must pass over the Naihe Bridge. And to ascend the Naihe Bridge, one must drink the tea of Meng Po. Yes, as you may have guessed, the River of Forgetfulness lies not far ahead, and I, am Meng Po. To pass, you must leave something behind. Therefore, regardless of what you do, the outcome will be the same: you must drink my tea."

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