Meanwhile, A-lan, Eliza, Alice, Dean and Sam were all in the living room. A-lan has a small device in his hand that its plug to the tv screen. Eliza has her computer and was typing.

"So what does it do?" Dean said, sitting down looking at the tv.

"This contact lenses that Wyatt is using is an alien tech. We're watching everything in his point of view. He can't hear us, but we can hear him." A-lan informed.

"With my zombie tech, I can able to save recordings and easily detailed everything even from far away distance." Eliza said, zooming the screen on her tablet, doing the same thing with the tv.

"That's brilliant." A-lan said, looking at Eliza. She blushes and looks away, "Thanks." She replied. Alice notice the two of them and she couldn't help but smirk at them two.

"I wonder what Bells is up to?" Sam asked, staring at the tv.

Back to Wyatt, he heard rock music playing very loud inside and glass shattering, making his eyebrow furrowed. He knocked the door three times, before he just walked in.

"Where are the manners?" Dean said, making Sam and Alice to chuckle lightly.

Wyatt walked in to the kitchen and stop walking when he saw Isabella trying to stop Ethan and Fallon fighting... again.

Fallon threw a vase that had flowers to Ethan, who dodged it real quick. Isabella was in the middle, so she also ducked down, trying not to get hit. Ethan then grabbed another glass object and threw it at Fallon, who also ducked down, missing her.

Ethan took a chance and started to run away, making Fallon to grab another glass object and started to chase Ethan.

"Hey! Hey! Alright, stop it! You're wasting thousands of dollars worth of glass!" Isabella said, getting frustrated.

"What the hell is going on?" Alice asked, looking at the mess. She was also holding the baby as Alessia was playing with a toy.

Wyatt kept staring at the threevils. Should he be concerned?

Fallon finally reached Ethan and shoved him into the wall. Ethan grabbed her arms as they were wrestling each other.

Isabella rolled her eyes at her dweebs and went in the middle, "Ethan! Fallon! Fallon! You guys stop it right now!" She said, but ended getting hit by Fallon's elbow.

"Ouu." Dean, Sam, Alice, A-lan and Eliza said, feeling the pain as if they hit them.

Wyatt also winced, feeling bad for Isabella.

"Ow! Woah, hey! Knock it off!" Isabella shouted, grabbing her nose.

"Walk away!" Fallon shouted at her.

"We'll kill you!" Ethan shouted to her as well.

Isabella gasped, "Well." She whispered.

Fallon threw Ethan to a counter before Ethan grabbed her roughly and pushing her to the ground, "Stop fucking with me, Fallon! I said I was sorry! I pressed the wrong thing!" Ethan said.

"No! 22 years ago your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!" Fallon shouted before she stood up and started to run at Ethan. Ethan reacted quickly and moved out of the way, not realizing that Fallon kept running. Fallon ran through a glass window and shattered the whole thing. Fallon laid on the ground outside.

Ethan and Isabella gasped as Fallon hadn't gotten up.

"So this is the two people that your sister picked." Eliza mutters.

"Oh, my god! Oh, my god! I think I killed her!" Ethan said, freaking out. He turns to the shattered window, "FALLON!" Ethan screamed like a girl.

Ethan turned back to Isabella as he was making weird noises.

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