Learning More

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I woke up the next morning with Caroline laying on me. I chuckle softly shaking my head. (Cutie)

"Care..Carebear, it's time to wake up, we have school and I still have to drop you off at home to get ready". I said shaking Caroline to wake up her up

"Noo, I wanna sleep" Caroline said whining like a child , laying her head in my lap as I sat up

"Caroline Elizabeth Forbes" I said looking down at her cute self

"Ughh fine, Bonnie Sheila Bennett" Caroline said grumpy, sitting up and got out of bed

I followed behind Caroline doing the same thing. We both walked in the bathroom and brushed our teeth and washed our faces then walked back out. I walked in my closet and changed into red long sleeve shirt with a plaid print dress and black boots then walked out.

"You look beautiful Bonnie" Caroline said

"Thanks Care Bear" I said

"You're welcome" Caroline said

I grabbed my bookbag putting my phone charger inside then walked downstairs with Caroline, leaving the house, getting in my car. Once inside, I drove off to Caroline's house.

"Come on, you're coming inside" Caroline said she stepped out the car

"Alright miss bossy" I said turning off the car, getting out. I close the door and lock the door before following behind Caroline

"I'm not bossy" Caroline said slightly annoyed with me as she unlocked the door and walked inside

"Yes you are miss cheer captain" I said walking inside and closing the door behind me

We walked upstairs to her room and I sat on her bed while she walked in the bathroom.

"Hey Bon Bon, can you do that magic spell you did on your closet please to mine" Caroline asked

"Sure" I got up and walked over to her closet and did the spell then walked back out

"Do you care if we kinda match today" Caroline asked walking out the bathroom

"No" I said walking back in the closet grabbing a red off the shoulder long sleeve shirt with a red black white plaid skirt and black boots. I walked back out and laid the outfit on the bed and noticed a necklace on the nightstand

"Hey Care, where'd you get that necklace from" I asked looking at the necklace

"I got it from Damon but I'm never wearing it, so you can have it if you want" Caroline said as she started to get dressed

"Thanks" I said walking over to the nightstand and picks up the necklace and puts it in my purse

"You're welcome" Caroline said as she was still getting dressed

After Caroline finished getting dressed, we left her house, getting back in the car and made our way to school

"So what's going happened with Elena and Stefan" Caroline asked kinda worried

"Honestly I don't know but we need to be worried about Damon and what the hell he's up to" I said paying attention to the road

Once we arrived at school, we got out of the car, closing the doors and I locked the car then me and Caroline went our separate ways.


"Please tell you're coming to the sexy suds car wash tomorrow" Caroline asked looking at me once we walked out of school

"Yes I'm going care" I said making my way to my car

"Yay thanks" Caroline said happily, hugging me

"You're welcome Care it's just a stupid car wash" I said hugging back

Reborn as Bonnie Bennett Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora