Part 14~ 1994 summer

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"I bet that ended badly for him then." Pansy laughed.

"No, actually. It took a while, but he finally wore her down and they started dating."

"Guess I'll have to start using that strategy then." Gregory said.

"On who?" I asked quicker than I should have.

"I'm not going to tell you that." He laughed.

"It's some Slytherin girl in the year below us. Violet McDowell." Milli said smirking at him.

"I told you that in confidence!" He yelled.

While they were having their little fight, I asked, "Where are Tracey and Blaise?"

"They went to go sit with some other people."

"Makes sense." None of us really talked for the rest of the train ride. Or at least I don't think so. I fell asleep on Theo's shoulder maybe half an hour after the train started moving. I didn't wake up until the train came to a complete stop and everyone was getting up to leave.

"Bella, wake up." Theo tried. I groaned then sat up.

"Thanks for waking me up. I have to go grab my stuff; I left it in Harry's compartment." Draco scoffed. "Mind telling me why you're upset, Malfoy. Is my family bothering you?" He turned his head so he was facing the door frame, but could see me in his peripheral vision. He didn't answer, so I said, "Figured."

He shook his head and walked off. "Honestly, does that kid ever not have a problem with someone?"

"Nope." Pansy replied and followed Draco off the train. I walked the opposite way to the Golden trio's compartment. No one was in, so I just grabbed my stuff and walked away.

When I stepped onto Platform 9¾, I could see Remus and a large black dog standing near Harry. I smiled to myself knowing exactly who the canine was. I walked up to them and hugged Remus and pet Sirius on the head.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"We're doing good. I'm excited for you to come back and live with us."

"Is Harry coming with us too? I'm sure Petunia will be happy to let him stay."

"Unfortunately, Harry still has to go back to the Dursley's this summer."

"Damn it."

"I know, but you get to spend the summer with Snuffles. And, if you want, you were invited to the Burrow with the Weasleys for a week or two."

"Of course I want to spend time with the Weasleys!" As I said that, I felt two arms wrap around me from behind. I smelled her perfume and immediately recognized it as Ginny, the youngest Weasley. We weren't close, but I've met her a few times and she is one of the sweetest girls ever.

"Hey, Gin." I said spinning around her to give her a proper hug.

"I heard you were coming home with us for a while." I could hear her smile even though I couldn't see her face clearly.

"Yeah, I want to spend time with my favorite redhead."

She giggled a bit and pulled away from the hug. For a minute, I saw Lily. Tears pricked my eyes, but no way would I let the tears stream down my face in front of people. They both had beautiful, long, red hair and a wonderful smile. I just smiled at her then saw future me walk out of the train. She smiled at the man behind me and ran up to him giving him a bone-crushing hug.

"Hi, Darling." She said giving him a small peck on the lips.

"How are you?" Remus asked.

"Great now you're here."

"Enough with the soppy stuff, let's go." I groaned. Ginny gigged a bit at my comment. She gave me one last hug and ran off to her family.

We ran through the wall to get back into the muggle world at King's Cross Station. The four of us walked out to the parking lot and got into the car that was ours.


When we parked in front of a large building that seemed to be a bunch of apartments, Remus stepped out and said the Fidelius Charm to reveal the House of Black. The building shook, but the muggles didn't seem to notice their homes were violently shaking. We all walked in the front door and I walked upstairs to put down my stuff.

I was in Regulus' old room. It was dusty as all hell because the house elf, Kreacher, didn't clean much. I was unpacking when Sirius came into the room. I gave him a friendly smile as he sat down on the old chair that sat at the corner of the room near a wardrobe.

"Hey, Siri."

"What're you doing?" He asked. Probably to start a conversation.

"Unpacking. You?"

"Nothing." We sat there in silence for a few minutes before he asked, "What else do you know about what happened before now?"

"Not much, really. I know James and Lily are dead, Peter is a death eater, I was an asshole after school, and I married Remus."

He chuckled slightly at my response. "That sums it up nicely. But there's something else you should know before you find out another way." I looked at him confused. "Do you know what the Order is?"

"Doesn't ring a bell, no." I stopped my unpacking and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Well, the meetings are held here, and I talked to Dumbledore about it and he says it's ok for you to join as you would be of age this year if you haven't been taking those anti-ageing potions he has been providing to you since you showed up here."

"Okay, but what is the Order?"

"It's like Lord Voldemort's death eaters, but we fight them." He explained.

"Makes some sense, I guess, but I don't get a stupid mark on my arm or anything, right?"

"Goodness, no." He said laughing. He got up to walk out of the room. I guess that was all he had to tell me, but I had another question.

"Siri?" He hummed, waiting for me to ask. "Where's Regulus?"

"The bottom of the Black Lake. He tried to throw off Voldemort and got himself killed in the process."

"I thought he would've become a death eater."

"He was. Joined him when he was only 16. He gave up his life when he was 18 to potentially help aurors defeat The Dark Lord. We aren't sure if it worked, to be honest, but we have our theories."

"Did you get to talk to him at least?"

"No, you always told me I should, but I didn't get to in time." He smiled lightly at me and walked away. Not going to lie, I almost cried.


The next week went rather quickly, there were no Order meetings, but I heard there was one coming up.

I walked downstairs. I didn't bother looking pretty as no one was really here. But today was probably a good day to try to look halfway decent. When I walked into the kitchen, there were 12 witches and wizards sat around the large dining table; Ali, Tessi, Sirius, Remus, a girl I know to be Nymphadora Tonks, "Mad-Eye" Moody, and 6 other people. They stopped their conversation to look at me.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Ali. Well past Ali, I guess. It was an accident, really, I'm supposed to be in 1976." A few of them shared confused looks. "I'll just go." I turned around.

"Wait, Ali, this is the Order that I was talking about the other day." Sirius said. I turned around.


That's all. Sorry I feel like this part took way to fucking long to get out. I figured I would add being in the Order because it will add to a fun little twisty loop to the story later on. Also, I know Violet McDowell is like from Hogwarts Legacy, but I couldn't find any other characters from other years, so she's the best I could do. Thank you so fucking much for 111 reads! Anyway, hopefully I can start to pull chapters out of my ass because I'm on spring break currently and have jack shit to do, so I can write more. Please vote, it helps, and go to sleep, MIDNIGHT GOBLINS. <3

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