Chapter 1

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"Goodbye, Jackie!"

Jacqueline Baker pulled a jumper over her white uniform to keep out the early November chill. "See you Monday!" she called to her coworker.

The 28-year-old accident and emergency nurse walked from Royal London Hospital to her car in the lot. As Jackie pulled her keys from her black handbag, her phone caught her attention. It was vibrating, the screen reading 'Kate.' A old picture of Jackie and her best friend since their days together at St. Andrews University accompanied it. Jackie accepted the call, holding her phone to her ear as she slid into her car.

 Jackie accepted the call, holding her phone to her ear as she slid into her car

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"Jackie," Kate's familiar voice breathed. "I need you."

"What's the matter?" Jackie asked, a bit concerned for her friend.

"Will and I are announcing the engagement today and I just can't do it alone. I'm at the Palace."

Jackie raised her brows. "You want me to come to Kensington Palace? For your interview?"

"Of course I do, I need you! You'll be coming quite a bit from now on, I suppose, since Will and I have moved in together."

Jackie smiled to herself. "I'll change at my flat and be right over."

"Great, I'll let them know you're coming."

Jackie tossed her phone on the passenger's seat and hurried to her Central London flat. It was a small thing, packed amongst endless others that looked exactly the same. She let herself inside, rushing to the only bedroom in the entire flat. Jackie stripped herself of her uniform, carefully choosing a simple dress from her closet and throwing on some respectable heels. Jackie's wardrobe was limited, much more casual than the glamorous Kate, who had been slowly immersed in the Royal spotlight as Prince William's longtime girlfriend.

Though Jackie and Will had grown to be close friends over the many years he had been dating Kate, she had managed to stay out of the glaring spotlight that her best friend so often faced. Because Jackie was just a friend of the royals- not a girlfriend- she didn't generate much interest in the tabloids. 

After applying some fresh makeup and ruffling her shoulder length hair, Jackie was back out the door. She made the fairly short drive to Kensington Palace, which was absolutely surrounded by a swarm of paparazzi. There were reporters and cameramen and photographers everywhere, filming shots of the Palace, hungry for any glimpse of the Royal Family or their visitors after it had been announced that morning that Prince William Ms. Catherine Middleton were engaged to be married. Jackie gawked at the unbelievable sight as she drove up to the guarded gate.

"I'm here to see Catherine Middleton," Jackie informed the guard.

He pushed a button, opening the gate. "Welcome, Ms. Baker."

Jacqueline drove up to the grand door, leaving the keys to her small Volkswagen Jetta with a royal valet. A stoic-looking man in a suit, presumably a butler, greeted Jackie and led her through the twisting halls of the palace. She had only been inside once before on a tour as a child, but never inside the residential areas. The historic furniture and artwork were so ornate Jackie could hardly believe they were real.

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