The Potter Alliance Chapter 27

Start from the beginning

Harry shook his head in amazement, "I can see the benefits. What should I tell people?"

Dumbledore shrugged, "Whatever you wish my boy. We could simply tell them nothing and let the rumors circulate. Or we could come up with something."

"I think we need to tell people something. I get enough accusations of favoritism, and I don't want people to think it's actually true." Harry said calmly.

"Then let's do this. We have told the world that you are actively pursuing Voldemort. If anyone asks you have been given special accommodations to come and go as you please in order to help the Ministry in any way you can. I will pass that message on to Rufus and our reasoning behind it, and I am sure he would be happy to throw fuel on that rumor." Dumbledore offered.

Harry quickly agreed to this, "I like that. We might as well take advantage of all the publicity help we have been giving them."

"Very good I will be in touch with Rufus tomorrow. Now I am going to pass it among the professor's and the prefects that you have permission to be out after hours, and I ask that you do not take advantage of that unless you have too. I also ask that you and Ms. Bones respect curfew, and other school rules that may be in place." The old man said, offering his conditions to the prize.

"I assure you headmaster that I am a perfect gentleman with Susan, and that I would never do anything she didn't approve of." The young man said with a bit of a wicked smirk on his face.

The old headmaster bit back a laugh at the boy's response, and merely raised his glass to him, "Of that I have no doubt Mr. Potter. Go and inform your friends of the news and meet me on the third floor at 10pm tonight."

Harry stood giving a slight bow to the headmaster and walking out of the room with a big smile on his face.

The start of term had been better than Harry would have dared even pray for. With his own room he had been sneaking Susan in most nights to allow them some real peace, quiet, and privacy. They of course abused it as any other teenager would, but no one else had to know that.

The start of the DA had gone over splendidly; there were a couple of Slytherins he was worried about, and some that he was already becoming quite close with. Namely Daphne Greengrass. She had been a complete natural duelist and was being quite successful in his group so far. She had already been moved into the advanced class and was quickly climbing the ladder there. Harry wondered just what he could have done with this girl had he had her last year. Malfoy had been kicked out by an overwhelming vote of the entire leadership of the DA after he called Hermione a Mudblood for trying to help him with a curse. With that most of the other Slytherins had left as well.

Harry had become suspicious of Draco Malfoy in the weeks that would follow. The boy was being sneaky, and he wasn't quite sure why. It was clear he was trying to gain access to the room of requirements, but he was simply unable too. Harry figured it had something to do with the wards that Susan, Hermione, and Hannah had placed on the room, and knew/hoped that it would keep the boy away from whatever he was planning.

The only thing that wasn't just great in his life was his Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Snape seemed to take personal insult to the fact that Harry was leading a Defense Group, while he was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and took points from Harry for literally everything. The boy however did not complain and merely nodded in understanding of the man's pettiness.

The first Quidditch game was upon the group quickly and Harry was leading his team out onto the field with his head held high. The team was looking good under Katie Bell's instruction, and Harry's gentle guidance. Truth be told she was definitely carrying most of the weight for the team, and Harry was going to do his best to ensure she got MVP this year at the end of the season.

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